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From: emily
Date: Thu Feb 2 11:46:16 MST 2006 Subject: and then?

Karen: "Coming out" (2/2/06)
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Karen: "Coming out" (2/2/06)
I agree that God wants us to acknowledge the truth about ourselves. He's not content with a pretend relationship and that's what has to happen if you deny truth about yourself. You can't offer the real you - and really, we don't have much else to offer God (OK nothing else). But what I wonder about is the "culture of sin confession" that seems to rise up as people try to motivate themselves in to confessing sin. They know they don't like to admit their sin but they love God and want to serve him. So calling everything a sin and then confessing it is a good way to have a concrete feeling that you are doing that thing you are afraid you won't do. A feeling of security is achieved when one thinks "I know I'm not one of those "non-confessing" types because I just finished admitting something".

But - to switch to the other topic - being joyful about being a sinner. I was really struck by how it was so likely that they were really joyful to admit being sinners. I'm not sure about all the historical details but people being baptised by John - were these the same people trying to be good pharisees? Or being judged by ruling pharisees? If the people really had a desire to get it right with their God then it must have been really frustrating to be stuck in the pharisee system. It had to have been obvious to any honest person that the rules were impossible to follow and lead to being a failure over and over. Except for a few powerful people who were obssesive enough to pull it off. And did you really admire those people and want to be like them or did you find them unpleasant?

As a modern kid raised in the church I think I can identify. I unconsiously picked up all these things you are supposed to do or say that means you love God. Things like certain ways of dressing, how many church functions you attend per week, whether you have a "life verse" or not, feeling a sense of emotion when certain tear-jerker stories are told from the Bible even though you heard them 200 times already, etc. etc

One of the things I appreciate about the Village is the tendency to crush the molds in favor of honestly seeking the truth about God. The mold might have been formed by a person honestly following God. But if you try to conform to the mold instead of just learning from it then you are just a print - not an original painting.

There is amazing freedom in being able to say - you know - I am just a sinner -I suck on a regular basis but God still wants to come to me and teach me to know him. I don't get written off because I can't seem to follow the rules. Or worse, I CAN follow the rules and it leaves me feeling empty.

The story of John the Baptist and all those people coming to be baptized makes more sense to me now. And that's another reason I appreciate the Village - people speak from the heart and whether I agree or disagree it makes me think. In a setting where everything is carefully calculated not to offend anyone I have little or no interest. Its just words coming from a material body. No spirit is offered.


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From: Karen
Date: Thu Feb 2 14:18:17 MST 2006 Subject: "Coming out"

Coming out (confession) versus self-flagellation (beating yourself up), a big difference, I think. Yes, I agree that repeatedly beating yourself up is definitely not what the Good News is about. But you can create your own false feeling of holiness by continuing to do it... A weird type of self-righteousness there. I'm thinking of the scene in "The Holy Grail" where the monks are chanting in Latin and smacking themselves with boards.

I like what you said, Emily, about confession-joy being found in the relief of no longer pretending. That's what I was getting at by "owning it, and then disowning it." There is a freedom when you're found out (to speak) and then given grace to move on.

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