Villagersonline : blogs : stevek : sodom
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From: stevek
Date: Sat Dec 20 15:32:16 MST 2003 Subject: sodom

I think if you asked most people what the sin of Sodom was the first thing you'd hear would have something to do with homosexuality/sodomy. The Bible has plenty to say on that behavior and it's not my point here. I was reading Ezekiel last night; specifically chapter 16:49-50. In that passage God states that the sin of Sodom was that they were "arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did destestable things before (God.)" Two images popped into my head when I read that. First, a shopping mall at this time of year. Last week I saw a video clip of two women throwing blows over some toy they were both on the hunt for. They were every bit of arrogant, overfed and unconcerned, haughty and detestable in God's sight. The second image was the direction our Nation seems to be headed. I believe that we are a giving people, but am concerned that that trait is dormant until there's a disaster, or it's expression is deferred to governmental programs which are terribly inefficient. So, as we draw closer to Christmas day, I pray for this community that we take a lesson from the sin of Sodom - walk in humility, not arrogance, consume moderately, and be led by the Holy Spirit to a concern for others around you, putting their need to see Christ in you above your own desire for stuff. I was praying this morning and came across a paradox - the closer to Christ we become, the harder it becomes to be a 'sacrifical giver' because the giving feels less and less like a sacrifice. Consummerism is ruining Christmas. Be Him incarnate this coming week with a touch, word or prayer for someone near who needs to know Jesus.

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