Villagersonline : blogs : stevek : muse
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From: stevek
Date: Tue Jun 15 12:06:04 MST 2004 Subject: muse

Karen: Yup (6/16/04)
MaryKay: no kidding (6/16/04)
stevek: Sammie (6/17/04)
Responses (sorted by date)
stevek: Sammie (6/17/04)
MaryKay: no kidding (6/16/04)
Karen: Yup (6/16/04)
I had a very intense time in prayer this morning that I want to share with you all. Several weeks ago we were praying as a community for a new home. Lately we have been given the impression that we'll be housed at the Muse. While that's our goal, we're not in there yet. If you've been in the place I'm sure you can see that it's a place that satan does not want us to occupy. I have been trying to encourage the management and some of the occupants to do some things that will allow us to get established there, but have not yet been successful. I believe the Muse is God's place for us, but I felt this morning that He was saying 'the wall's not down' yet - think Jericho - and until it is, He hasn't given us the land. Resume praying that the Lord would intervene in the details, the hearts and minds of those who need to respond to my phone calls. Satan hits us where we are weakest - he has been doing that with me/I confess to you a need to be acknowledged and responded to - multiple unreturned phone calls in the past couple of days have hit me where I am vulnerable to attack. Pray that I would persist in a Godly manner and represent our community well. But my sense this morning was very strong that the Lord was also saying that our community prayed for a home, and has ceased interceding now that we're close. As I said/satan doesn't want us in there - we have to continue to ask God to intercede on our behalf, to fight the battles that are going on all around our efforts to complete this move until the wall comes down and the space is ours. I heard the Jabez prayer come back to me this morning, directly related to our current situation -
We need to resume fervent prayer as a body if the final steps are going to be taken related to this move. And if we are granted the space, we must enter the building each time with a prayer on our hearts that we would represent Jesus well to the present occupants. Please rejoin me and your leadership in praying that the Lord would step in and guard our efforts as we try to finalize the yet unresolved issues. And don't stop praying for your leadership as they wrestle with the details of the move. If you believe that prayer works, use it. We can still take this land, but not without the intervention of God and legions of angels He will send out ahead of us.

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From: Karen
Date: Tue Jun 15 23:29:29 MST 2004 Subject: Yup

...And so I'm acknowledging and responding to this one :-) Thanks for the reminder for need for prayer and the overall right mindset as we head into this big undertaking.

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From: MaryKay
Date: Wed Jun 16 09:02:08 MST 2004 Subject: no kidding

A timely reminder indeed!!!!!! I'll gladly join you in this prayer campaign.

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From: stevek
Date: Wed Jun 16 17:36:28 MST 2004 Subject: Sammie

For those of you who don't know, the manager of Muse is Sammie. I spoke with her today about several of the issues we're trying to sort out, and near the end of our conversation she said "I know that you all are praying people - I would ask that you do that right now." She, and the rest of her staff are in the midst of working through an ownership change and our arrival unfortunately is an added burden to them in as much as it involves relocating other occupants and construction work. So, she has also asked that we pray through this time. In her words "this too shall pass, and we'll be a stonger community for having gone through it." I agree - and shared with her that we're excited about becoming a part of their larger Muse community - but we need corporate intercession. Thanks.

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