Villagersonline : blogs : stevek : 2 Samuel 11
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From: stevek
Date: Sun Nov 9 13:23:23 MST 2003 Subject: 2 Samuel 11

It has been an interesting week of dialog with several in the body regarding the "mega church" topic Eric and I engagaed. Lots of good points made coming from all directions. My hope is that we recognize that each part of the body of Christ is needed in kingdom work - the eye cannot say to the foot 'I have no need of you'...In recognizing that, we can step towards the work to which God has called us each as individuals, and step away from our tendency to consider that ours is more vital to His broader mission than what is taking place in other bodies. It's great to feel connected and involved with what the Lord is doing with His people, but let's allow Him to work out His plan in large, medium and small groups - we each fit into a particular part of all of that, but not to the exclusion of others, nor in a more critical way than others.
So what part of the body is the Village? I see Uriah (2 Samuel 11) in the Village values. Here is a man, lowly in rank in the Israelite army, who went about faithfully doing that to which he had been called. While gone, the King had an affair with his wife and she became pregnant. In an effort to cover up their sin, King David called Uriah back from the battle front and offered him some conjugal time with Bathsheeba. However, Uriah's heart was first for the conditions of those with whom he had been serving. He refused the comforts of his own bed while "my lord's men are camped out in open fields." He insisted on returning to serve alongside those with whom he had shared the discomforts and inconveniences of battle. He saw that there was a common enemy and would not be drawn into his own 'safe place' while his brothers & sisters continued in battle. His character was such that King David trusted Uriah to carry his own death warrant back to the front lines without concern that en route Uriah would open the letter and foil his plan.
So - we're a small group at the Village, but called together for a common purpose of sharing in the fight alongside our brothers and sisters. In fact, joining them in that fight; sharing in the sufferings. In large settings it is much more difficult to find and cultivate relationships based upon a geniune closeness which says 'I will not walk away from the trials of a brother/sister, ignore their battles while I rest in the creature comforts which numb me to the needs of others in the community. I have not developed that level of character (and I thank God that He hasn't exposed the details of my sin in the way He does in the lives of His people on the pages of Scripture), but it is through coming close, bleeding on each other and helping to mend the wounds that we move towards becoming the Uriah's that God calls us to be in His family.
Does God have a plan for mega churches? Sure. By way of example - Krysti, if you want to give through Samaritan's Purse, I'll be happy to deliver your shoebox gift to one of the larger churches that is taking part. Does God have a plan for the Village? Sure. By way of example - you have invited me into your community, and offered a place of service which was denied me in larger settings. That produces healing and bonding. If I'm right in sensing that Jesus has called a small community called the Village together to heal one another, let's pray together that we would develop the character of Uriah, share with one another's battles against the enemy, faithfully walk out our own particular callings and yet with that larger mind of Christ rejoice that He is at work in hands, feet, knees (please) and all parts of the body He has set in place.

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