Villagersonline : blogs : ryan : How to build community
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From: ryan
Date: Wed Jul 21 15:54:59 MST 2004 Subject: How to build community

blancaro: How to be an Artist (7/22/04)
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blancaro: How to be an Artist (7/22/04)
Following is excerpted from the Weblog of Keri Smith


I was walking through a beautiful neighborhood in Vancouver, (off of Commercial Drive) when I spotted a flyer that caught my eye. The bottom of it said "if you take this poster, make copies & pass it on! I like the idea of one person's vision that gets passed on. Something that starts off as a small spark, a thought, that picks up momentum and grows exponentially over time. So here you are, if you like it make copies and pass it on.

How to Build a Community

turn off your tv~leave your house~know your neighbors
greet people~look up when you're walking~sit on your front steps
plant flowers~use your library~play together~buy from local merchants
share what you have~help a lost dog~take children to the park
honor elders~support neighbourhood schoools~fix it even if you didn't break it
have pot lucks~garden together~pick up litter~read stories aloud
dance in the street~talk to the mail carrier~listen to the birds
put up a swing~help someone carry something heavy~barter for your goods
start a tradition~ask a question~hire young people for odd jobs
organize a block party~bake extra and share~ask for help when you need it
open your shades~sing together~share your skills
take back the night~turn up the music~turn down the music
listen before you react to anger~mediate a conflict~seek to understand
learn from new and uncomfortable angles
know that no one is silent though many are not heard
work to change this

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From: blancaro
Date: Wed Jul 21 17:00:08 MST 2004 Subject: How to be an Artist

Thanks for sharing Ryan. You inspired me to share one of my favs.

How to be an Artist

Stay loose ~ Learn to watch snails ~ Plant an impossible garden ~ Invite someone dangerous to tea ~ Make little signs that say "yes"!and post them all over your house ~ Make friends with freeedom and uncertainty ~ Look forward to dreams ~ Cry during movies ~ Swing as high as you can on a swing set, by moonlight ~ Cultivate moods ~ Refuse to "be responsible" ~ do it for love ~ Take lots of naps ~ Give money away ~ Do it now ~ The money will follow ~ Believe in magic ~ Laugh a lot ~ Celebrate every gorgeous moment ~ Take moon baths ~ Have wild imaginings, Transformative dreams, and perfect calm ~ Draw on the walls ~ Read every day ~ Imagine yourself magic ~ Giggle with children ~ Listen to old people ~ Bless yourself ~ Play with everything ~ Entertain your inner child ~ You are innocent ~ Build a fort with blankets ~ Get wet ~ Hug a tree ~ Write love letters.

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