Villagersonline : blogs : russ : respTwBuKp
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This is a response to this blog: Baby!

From: russ
Date: Tue Mar 28 12:03:00 MST 2006 Subject: Updates, and responses

russ: If I might be so bold... (3/28/06)
Patricia: helping hand (3/28/06)
Responses (sorted by date)
Patricia: helping hand (3/28/06)
russ: If I might be so bold... (3/28/06)

Emily and Eric are doing well. They have a plastic hood over Eric's head to increase the 02 concentration, but he has been breathing on his own power since just a couple of hours after the delivery. Emily is recovering quickly; she has little pain even having taken few pain meds. This morning, she was able to walk to NICU and be with Eric for 20-30 mins (standing the whole time), then still have energy to stroll around the Maternity unit with me for a while. We still don't have any date when Eric might go home - last we heard was perhaps a week or two after delivery. Emily will probably be sent home 4 days after delivery, meaning that we may have to commute to St. Joe's each day for a while. However, they have (complimentary) guest rooms there, which are sometimes available for parents to use.


We are accepting visitors. Emily had two comments about them:
(1) She likes visitors because it reminds of her connectedness to the community
(2) Yesterday, even the few family visitors that we allowed took up so much time that we had little energy left for Eric.

So, please come, but please don't be offended if we nicely ask you to leave after a few minutes. We're still figuring out how we want all this to work.

Emily will still be there tomorrow, so maybe some people could come today and some tomorrow.

NOTE: You won't be able to see Eric, as he is still in NICU, and children under 12 will have to wait in the Maternity waiting room; they are not allowed inside even the general Maternity unit.

Key things that we could use help in are:

1) Keeping the garden watered (not a problem today, with the rain, but tomorrow it might be). I know that Tricia did it yesterday, but I don't remember if she was going to do that continually. Could somebody contact me if they want to volunteer for this? Emily has some new plantings that need special attention.
2) Housecleaning. You all know that we are far from the best at this, but there is a fair amount of stuff scattered around the house, plus the basics of dishes & such. I hope to have the house pretty clean before Emily gets home (so she doesn't feel like she has to do it before Eric gets home), but if anybody wants to take some of that on, that would be wonderful. Tricia has a key to our house, or you can contact us.
3) Last minute shopping. We had just one or two things left that we needed for Eric (like sheets for the co-sleeper) that we were going to get in a week or two. Contact us for details if you want that.
4) Truck emission testing. Just thought of it...I have to get my truck down to DMV for emission testing before the 31st. Anybody want to waste a morning there for me?

Thanks all,

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From: russ
Date: Tue Mar 28 13:49:52 MST 2006 Subject: If I might be so bold...

If I might be so bold as to add to the help list:

5) Cooking. We got ourselves a freezer, so we can store large amounts for a long time. Anybody who wants to make anything would be greatly appreciated. You can, if you want, make several night's worth, and we can store it all and eat it over the next weeks.

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From: Patricia
Date: Tue Mar 28 15:26:18 MST 2006 Subject: helping hand

Fiona and I will continue to water Emily's garden.

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