Villagersonline : blogs : russ : The Voice of God
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From: russ
Date: Thu Oct 19 16:41:36 MST 2006 Subject: The Voice of God

"It's time to get out of bed."


"I just realized it's time to get out of bed."

I slowly woke from my slumber. As often happens, the last few flashes of my dream lingered in my head, something about Emily realizing that I had homework to do and I needed to get up, or I would not have time to finish it.

I opened my eyes; the room was dark. My body was still tired. I needed a lot more sleep. I looked at the clock. 5:31.

That's when it hit me: last night, I had set my alarm for 5:30. I am sure - as sure as I ever am about these things, which is not very - that I also turned the alarm on. But there was my alarm, off, and reading 1 minute after when I had set it.

I have jury duty today. Last night, after turning in my school project, I called the automated line, only to find that (yikes!) I had to be there at 7:30. My mind was still worked up from finishing an interesting project, and I didn't actually get to sleep until 12:30, and my alarm was set for just 5 hours later.

I have from time to time said that I have heard the voice of God. Up to this point, it has always been in a metaphorical sense: I hear a thought in my head, in my own voice, and I do some logical analysis and decide that it's highly likely that the thought came from God rather than from my own head.

Never before have I been dead certain that something came from God. And never before have I known exactly what the words were. But today it was totally clear: the voice in my dream had been the voice of God, helping me wake up.

My head collapsed back on the pillow. I was exhausted. I needed a few minutes to get started. I decided to close my eyes for a few more minutes and then get up.

No, I guess that wouldn't be such a good idea, would it?

"God, how about you lift me up out of bed?"

As soon as the words were prayed, I regretted them. I wasn't ready for quite that much direct interaction, yet. But then I regretted my retiscence.

"Ok, I don't want to be afraid. So I choose to not be afraid. But I also choose not to be overly mystical."

I pulled myself out of bed. There were no mystical hands lifting me up, but God was getting me out of bed all the same. I decided that I had to post this, if for no other reason to have a record of it. It's not every day you hear the voice of the Almighty.

Oddly, the voice of the Almighty sounded an awful lot like my still-sleeping wife.

(edited to make it a little clearer, I hope, what happened)

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