Villagersonline : blogs : russ : Eric's broken leg
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From: russ
Date: Fri Aug 23 08:33:51 EDT 2013 Subject: Eric's broken leg

dbonilla: Wonder and marvel (8/24/13)
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dbonilla: Wonder and marvel (8/24/13)
Little Eric broke his leg yesterday at school. He was running along along and tripped, and splayed out headlong on concrete - something that normally would mean little more than a scraped knee and a few minutes in the nurse's office.

But instead, in a freak accident, he broke his left femur rather badly; the surgeon said that he normally saw this sort of break only with car crashes! It split the femur in two, running diagonally several inches along the length of the bone, with secondary fractures as well.

Eric was a trooper, and God was gracious: so long as he stayed perfectly still, the pain was managable, but any time that we had to move him, the pain was excruciating. Getting him onto the gurney for the ambulance ride was a terrible experience - as was any time we had to move him for X-rays and such.

Last night at 11pm, he went in for surgery. Although the break turned out to be even worse than the X-ray had shown, the surgery went well, and everything is now put back together, along with a metal plate. The doctor hopes to have him home in a couple of days, although he will need to be in a wheelchair for a month or so (the doctor didn't advise the use of crutches with kids Eric's age - he said they don't do very well with them).

We are in TMC, room 233, and vistors are welcome. Prayers for fast healing are even more so.

P.S. Speaking of prayer, a neat tidbit about how God took care of us:

For the last 6 weeks, I have been spending almost every day at UofA, working on the 9th floor of Gould-Simpson. (I start classes there on Monday, and I've been spending the intervening weeks prototyping something for a small startup company.) When I'm there, it normally takes me about 30 minutes or more to bike back to where I park my truck - so I would have been at least 45 minutes from Eric's school.

But yesterday, I had to run an errand in the morning, and so had arrived at UofA just before lunch. To save time, I decided to work from the Himmel library instead of my normal on-campus location. And so, on this day, when I got the emergency call, I could be at school in 15 minutes instead of 45. God is good! (God arranged all this by killing a computer with lightning two days before, which is why I had to run by a charity shop to buy a used computer, which is why I was late to school!)

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From: dbonilla
Date: Sat Aug 24 15:22:14 EDT 2013 Subject: Wonder and marvel

Russ, I am glad to hear that God paved the way for you to be there for your son a half hour earlier than it would otherwise have been. I pray for Eric's quick healing from the accident and surgery. -Dennis

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