Villagersonline : blogs : rodhugen : the continuing saga
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From: rodhugen
Date: Fri Nov 16 21:23:06 EST 2007 Subject: the continuing saga

MaryKay: No Subject (11/19/07)
laynEpoo: wow (11/23/07)
rodhugen: Good news (11/29/07)
rodhugen: Aaaaarrrrgh! (12/4/07)
rodhugen: Monday evening 12/17 (12/18/07)
Responses (sorted by date)
rodhugen: Monday evening 12/17 (12/18/07)
rodhugen: Aaaaarrrrgh! (12/4/07)
rodhugen: Good news (11/29/07)
laynEpoo: wow (11/23/07)
MaryKay: No Subject (11/19/07)
I visited the surgeon today regarding my painful shoulder, loss of grip strength, and tingling and loss of feeling in my arm and hand. The first surgeon had suggested a bone spur and torn rotator cuff. The surgeon I saw today had previously suggested Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, a nerve problem, as the probable cause of the symptoms. I have been going to physical therapy for the past few months trying to move the nerve bundle that was creating all the suffering. This week they determined that the therapy was ineffective and that the problems had worsened with even less grip strength and range of motion than before. For the last months the pain has been intense.

The surgeon examined me today and then decided to take x-rays of my neck. There is a severe compression in the vertebra that seems to be pinching the nerve that runs to my left hand. He literally ran downstairs to the office of a neck and spine surgeon to show him the x-rays and describe my symptoms. I will be scheduled for an MRI of my neck and will meet with this new surgeon on Tuesday to determine next steps--including possible surgery to the neck and spine.

I broke down in the examination room. I can't stand the pain anymore. I told the doctor that I look at the knives in the block on my kitchen counter and think about cutting off my arm. I told him I can't sleep and the pain distracts me from doing my job. I told him I didn't care what they did as long as it was soon. I wept as I told him all of this. I felt a lot of shame. Shame for not holding it together. Shame for being a crybaby. I heard the Liar call me that name and tell me to suck it up. Instead I let it all go.

When I stopped sobbing and looked up the doctor was weeping. He told me he was sorry this was dragging out and that he should have determined this possibility earlier. He promised to make things happen as quickly as possible. Obviously I will not be seeing him again since this new diagnosis will lead to different specialists. Still, he told me that he would like to see me after I have surgery or whatever procedure this new surgeon suggests. He told me not to make an appointment, but just to stop in. I asked him why.

He said he wants to see me when I am smiling and laughing and no longer burdened by pain.

I want to tell you all how much I love you. Thank you for your love and prayers. If I have been distracted and oblivious to you, I am sorry. I want to smile and laugh again. Please pray for this new surgeon as he diagnoses and suggests treatments or surgeries. Pray that I will be patient in this pain a bit longer. And please be patient with me.


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From: MaryKay
Date: Mon Nov 19 12:08:14 EST 2007 Subject:

I too am weeping with you and looking forward to seeing you without pain!

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From: laynEpoo
Date: Fri Nov 23 16:51:01 EST 2007 Subject: wow

Wow Rod.

Thank you so much for sharing your heart, your experience at the doctor's office, and your life. I'm so sad that it took them this long to figure it out and that the pain has been so much. But as I sit here in Cafe Luce reading your story about your time at the doctor's, I think God was showing himself in that doctor...being so sad that you're experiencing so much pain. I'm so struck by the doctor's mercy in weeping for you, and that that's God's heart-that God wanted to be seen (as well as be seen by the doctor). And by you walking into that shame and sharing it with us, we've all gotten to experience more of God. And that's why I say thanks for sharing that because that's not an easy thing to do.

I was thinking about pain the other day. I experienced intense physical pain just a little and was so frustrated, and then God brought to mind your sister, and humbled me. And now you. What it must be like to live with such pain and still trust in God and just live life...I'm hopeful for the day when this doesn't cover life with such a haze, and I'm so thankful that something has been discovered and progress is being made with your shoulder.

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From: rodhugen
Date: Wed Nov 28 20:13:02 EST 2007 Subject: Good news

Tomorrow morning I have a long awaited MRI and on Tuesday I have a meeting with the neck and spine surgeon to figure out next steps. I hope the end is in sight and that I can get some relief from this mess. Thanks for your prayers.

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From: rodhugen
Date: Tue Dec 4 14:45:28 EST 2007 Subject: Aaaaarrrrgh!

Soooo, I show up for the doctor's appointment to discover that they don't have a record of it and that I get to wait a week before I'll be able to see him. I am trying not to be discouraged and depressed. My wife contacted some folks at work and they are trying to get me in to see another surgeon sooner so I'll see how that goes.

I managed to survive the MRI because the technician was really kind and helpful and because I was on drugs. Placing my head in a helmet and strapping me down is not the ideal way to treat a claustrophobic patient, but I survived. Now, if I can just get a doctor to look at the pictures and tell me what the next step is...

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From: rodhugen
Date: Mon Dec 17 21:29:40 EST 2007 Subject: Monday evening 12/17

I went to see the surgeon this evening. Kathy went with me to translate. The doctor wants to get a CAT scan of my neck before making any decision regarding surgery. The MRI shows a large amount of degeneration around two vertebra and some heavy duty arthritis, but apparently he didn't like how the MRI was done--so he is ordering the CAT scan as a backup. He seemed confused because my reflexes were hyper-sensitive on the left side while he would normally expect deadness. He mentioned several times that was not typical.

He also is ordering a nerve block to be administered as soon as possible at the pain clinic at Kathy's hospital to see if that will help alleviate the suffering while he figures out what to do surgically. He was concerned about masking the symptoms, so he wants to keep an eye on the loss of grip strength while still trying to deal with the pain. He also gave me a prescription for a traction machine that I can use to help temporarily deal with the pain by stretching the neck. It is possible traction might do some permanent good and alleviate some of the problem, though that is not likely. I pick the machine up tomorrow morning. The doctor doesn't seem to be in a hurry, although he told his scheduler to expedite the test and the nerve block procedure.

Again we wait. I long for a magic pill. Thanks for your prayers, e-mails, and calls. They mean a lot.


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