Villagersonline : blogs : rodhugen : feminine wiles
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From: rodhugen
Date: Mon Jan 5 00:14:17 EST 2009 Subject: feminine wiles

andrea: wait a minute! ;) (1/5/09)
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andrea: wait a minute! ;) (1/5/09)
I was standing in the back of church and sweet little Ellie walked up to me and smiled her precious smile. She proceeded to hug my legs and then reached up her tiny arms with a 'hug me' look. I swooped her up and she hugged me tight around the neck and then indicated that she would like to be put back down. I put her back down and was marveling at the sweet, unadulterated love of our little Village urchins. I felt all warm and gooey inside.

Ellie then climbed into the cart the kids (and Dennis :))had been pushing around the church and looked up at me with those darling, innocent eyes and said, "Help me, please." And it dawned on me that I was being manipulated by a cute little girl and that the hug was not so much a hug of love, but a masterfully thought out con job by a little girl who knows exactly what she wants. So beware, little Village boys, those little Village girls start early.


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From: andrea
Date: Mon Jan 5 10:47:30 EST 2009 Subject: wait a minute! ;)

I think Ellie and little girls in general are getting a bad rap. I think she was loving you AND also wanted a ride in that little cart. Both desires can both exist simultaneously. Us women are multi-taskers so we can concentrate on both tasks and desires at the same time! ;) Or maybe she just wanted/needed some love on the way to the ride on the cart. There are many possibilities. ;)

Little kids do show their sin nature quickly...I will agree with that! ;)

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