Villagersonline : blogs : rodhugen : conversation at the grocery store
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From: rodhugen
Date: Fri Feb 20 13:31:11 EST 2009 Subject: conversation at the grocery store

Ron: God's Gift to Others (2/20/09)
Karen: Sword swallowing (2/20/09)
kimc: Pretty Cool! (2/20/09)
adriennelynne: keep it real (2/21/09)
andrea: laughed until we cried (2/22/09)
em: No Subject (2/24/09)
Responses (sorted by date)
em: No Subject (2/24/09)
andrea: laughed until we cried (2/22/09)
adriennelynne: keep it real (2/21/09)
kimc: Pretty Cool! (2/20/09)
Karen: Sword swallowing (2/20/09)
Ron: God's Gift to Others (2/20/09)
Grocery store clerk (at checkout): "I really like your cross."

Me: "Thanks, I like it, too."

Clerk: "I have one, but it is not as cool as that."

Me: "My wife got it for me and I am quite fond of it."

Clerk: "You do know that it is more blessed to give than to receive, don't you?"

Me: "I've heard that."

Clerk:: "So what do you think about giving me the cross?"

Me: "I'm thinking that 'Thou shalt not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor'. Not his wife or his house or his silver cross."

Clerk: "I'm thinking each of us should seek to please his neighbor for his good, to build him up."

Me: "To which I would say, 'each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.' and I'm just looking to my own interests here."

Clerk: "How about the part that says to sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven."

Me: "It goes well with the part that says that the poor you will always have with you."

Clerk: "Does that mean I'm not getting the cross?"

Me: "Pretty much."

Clerk: "Are you a pastor or something?"

Me: "I am, and I can do this all day."

Clerk: "Ah, Grandma said to never get in a sword fight with a sword swallower."

Me: "I like your grandma."

Clerk: "Me, too. She bought me a cross."

Bag Boy: "You dudes just had a whole conversation and it is like you are quoting from a book I never read or something."

Clerk: "We are."

Bag Boy: "What book?"

Clerk: "The Bible."

Bag Boy: "Hey, my girlfriend just gave me one of those."

Me: "You should read it.?

Bag Boy: "I don't know, it looks pretty complicated."

Me (while handing him a card): "Call me if you need help understanding it."

Clerk: "I'll help you, too." (to me) "Can I have one of those, too."

Bag Boy: "Sounds cool."

Clerk (after studying card): "Thanks a lot. I like the name of your church. Sounds worth checking out. Oh, and you have that same cross on your card. That is awesome. You have a nice day, pastor."

Me (smiling): "I just did."

Clerk: "Me, too."


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From: Karen
Date: Fri Feb 20 17:06:14 EST 2009 Subject: Sword swallowing

This is a FOR REAL conversation? I guess that's what can happen with the gift(s) of evangelism + a big cool cross. "What book are you quoting from?" I love it ;-)

P.S. I don't have to do my HW because I already know that "Hotel Rwanda" will make me cry. And I'd like to get a lutefisk symbol for my car instead of a fish one. Does that make me a warped evagelist? Or just a Norwegian one?

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From: adriennelynne
Date: Sat Feb 21 18:10:04 EST 2009 Subject: keep it real

That is officially the coolest story ever! I love how natural everything seemed to play out!
Wow, God is cool.
And I love the part where you hand out your super duper business cards. So awesome!

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From: andrea
Date: Sun Feb 22 11:06:52 EST 2009 Subject: laughed until we cried

I read this out loud from the B & B to Ryan. He laughed until he cried.

Maybe in person you could share what store so we could say 'hi' too and mention that we know clerk and bag person met you. No dueling just welcoming and encouragment to the Village.

Yeah God!

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