Villagersonline : blogs : rodhugen : Visions
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From: rodhugen
Date: Tue May 4 08:22:01 MST 2004 Subject: Visions

Boojeee: gifts in community (5/5/04)
rodhugen: Thanks (5/5/04)
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rodhugen: Thanks (5/5/04)
Boojeee: gifts in community (5/5/04)
My hand shakes
with the power to see
as dark heat rises
revealing fluttering images
sad black light pictures
pain, loss, despair, regret
ashamed to see the shame
I look away
a reluctant voyeur
still straining to see
my heart wanders,
wonders, tries to wrap
around the confusion
like a tortilla maker
near the pot of beans
I see what man does
to man, woman, God
with leering faces
in twisted spaces
and graceless places
and weep the loss
I see porcelain enigmas
full moon tortures
train tunnel fears
and yellow haired hugs
of lighter shames
the darker sorrows
the deeper pain
shadows of stories
like knife point scars
with red, raw wounds
and cold ember ashes
bound in memory's chains
stumbling, I fall headlong
into trapdoor graves
where Lazarus smells
among blanched gray bones
dressed in starch collar suits
is this all part of the unbinding?
part of the rising?
part of some rolling of the stone?
Staggered, I would offer
with shaking arm
red, hot hand
and averted eyes
the power to see.
My God, my God...
Is there no end?

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From: Boojeee
Date: Tue May 4 20:48:41 MST 2004 Subject: gifts in community

It's a tragically beautiful poem, Rod. I have appreciated your faithfulness to this scary gift of sight God has given you. It seems to me that you are exercising it in the context of community in a way that honors God. Thanks. I imagine it's difficult.

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From: rodhugen
Date: Wed May 5 07:21:26 MST 2004 Subject: Thanks

Thanks Julie. Your words mean alot to me. It feels like bone marrow deep encouragement and that was something I needed to hear. Please continue to pray for me that I will be wise in the use of this gift and that I will let go of my demand to understand and simply accept that God is doing some work that needs to be done in and through me.


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