Villagersonline : blogs : rodhugen : There but for the grace of God. . .
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From: rodhugen
Date: Thu Feb 25 12:20:39 EST 2010 Subject: There but for the grace of God. . .

kelsea: No Subject (2/26/10)
rodhugen: Awesome! (2/26/10)
Responses (sorted by date)
rodhugen: Awesome! (2/26/10)
kelsea: No Subject (2/26/10)
You race into the bathroom of an unfamiliar building because you have to go really bad and there are no urinals and you think perhaps you might be in the wrong place, but there is no time to reconsider or go look because you are dancing pretty fast so you run to the nearest empty stall and you are much relieved and then you recognize someone is in the other stall next to you and they are not manly type people and this is probably not good and so you duck down and wait until they have left the bathroom and then you quickly run out and check the sign on the door as you leave and sigh a sigh of relief when you discover it reads, "Men", and then you see the lady look back with a horrified look on her face as she realizes she just made the mistake you thought you just made and you smile when she says, "Did I just..." and you nod your head and tell her it is okay because you just thought you had made the same mistake and she smiles all red faced and says, "This is so embarrassing." and you agree and everyone laughs and you are very thankful it was someone else who did the bonehead move this time.



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