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From: rodhugen
Date: Fri Jun 6 22:03:39 EDT 2008 Subject: Reflection on prayer

emily: patterns..for what it's worth... (6/7/08)
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emily: patterns..for what it's worth... (6/7/08)
I've been praying a lot this week. At first it was hard to connect with God. This morning was beautiful. Jesus and I sat in the hot tub for hours chatting. At least that's how it felt to me. We chattered away like the friends we are. He also gave me some beautiful pictures I'll share more about later.

A bunch of stuff has been stirred up this week and I felt threatened and afraid. From goths hissing at me in the parking lot to a million distractions brought on by acute ADD issues, it has been a tough week. My pain has greatly intensified. Kathy is struggling at work. I don't like to experience the pain we go through when we pray and I don't like the spiritual attack. Then I got an e-mail from a friend who lives in California who was responding to my belief that when I pray lots of bad, scary things happen.

He said, "Perhaps God knew that this week lots of bad stuff would be happening, so he set you to praying."

Wow! I don't remember when I've been so enlightened. I wanted to share what I learned.


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From: emily
Date: Sat Jun 7 16:41:59 EDT 2008 Subject: patterns..for what it's worth...

Your blog reminds me of pattern emerging from the general yada yada of life these days. There seems to be increased activity from the dark side. Nothing focused like a certain church or group of people. Instead its more like a pack of troublemakers have rolled into town and choose to entertain themselves by picking on people and being mean. Or maybe like an evil concert with loud music that is annoying everyone but driving certain sensitive people crazy! The effects are more dramatic in those whose boundary between the material and the spiritual is thinner for whatever reason (users of mind altering substances, folks with mental illness, those who were born with a thinner wall sometimes known as a spiritual gift, people feeling emotionally weak and more in the mood to take things personally, etc.)

So I'm just saying what it LOOKS like to me. I tend to feel helpless in the face of intangible causes. I try to remember that prayer often feels just as intangible but its the invisible push back against invisible pushing. Push back, cover your ears, yell louder, cover your friend's ears, whatever seems right......


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