Villagersonline : blogs : rodhugen : Party Tomorrow!
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From: rodhugen
Date: Fri Oct 3 19:51:04 EDT 2008 Subject: Party Tomorrow!

rodhugen: CANCElLED! (10/4/08)
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rodhugen: CANCElLED! (10/4/08)
So if you are bored on Saturday night, and you need a place to go, and you like a party even if it doesn't have a real reason for happening, or you just want to go to Rod's house and eat food he cooked and talk and hang out and enjoy whatever we might decide to do on an October Saturday night, then you should show up tomorrow night after 5ish and hang out until I get tired and throw you out or doze off on the couch, in which case it would be nice if you locked the door on your way out, or if you just like "run on sentence" party invitations, and are intrigued by the thought of spending an evening at the Hugen house at 9147 East Placita Arroyo Seco, and have friends or family members you'd like to bring along, then it would be cool if you let me know that you are coming and how many are coming with you so I know how much food to cook, since I was thinking of making something like my Mom's famous sloppy joes, and potato salad, and baked beans, and desserts, and things to drink, and feeding any and all who come in response to this very last minute invitation that I should figure out how to e-mail to you, or text you about, since you are Villagers, for the most part, and have difficulty checking the web site regularly, and it would be helpful if you brought games or ideas of things to do, or you can just sit in the backyard and listen to birds sing and get eaten by mosquitoes, and you should know that we have cats which we will have to lock up, since they ought not to go outdoors, as they are 'inside cats' which some folks are allergic to, and need to take medicine in order to overcome the allergy, or maybe you are just allergic to the hot tub which is also available, if you come appropriately dressed, since this will not be the 'clothing optional' kind of party some of you might have attended in your past lives, and besides, I am a pastor so what kind of testimony would that be to my neighbors, who I will also invite if they would like to come, and you can invite your neighbors also as long as you give me an idea of how many are coming sometime before noonish tomorrow, October 4, when I would want to start getting the meal ready, and the house straightened up, although it is all pretty clean, and the yard is mowed, and things are looking remarkably ready for a party that you will let me know you are coming to by responding to this or e-mailing me or leaving a message at (520) 907-1396, right?

Hope you can come!

Did I mention that it would be nice to let me know so I cook the right amount of food? :)

Rod (the party guy) Hugen

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From: rodhugen
Date: Sat Oct 4 17:39:54 EDT 2008 Subject: CANCElLED!

PARTY CANCELED. Maybe next time I'll get my act together earlier. Thanks to those who were considering it and those who expressed regret.

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