Villagersonline : blogs : rodhugen : If anyone is awake
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From: rodhugen
Date: Sun Aug 17 05:02:18 EDT 2008 Subject: If anyone is awake

rodhugen: Good news (8/17/08)
blancaro: No Subject (8/27/08)
Responses (sorted by date)
blancaro: No Subject (8/27/08)
rodhugen: Good news (8/17/08)
My son Justin is visiting from Phoenix and brought his goddaughter, Terra, along with her little sister, Jolee to celebrate my birthday. Jolee is handicapped and just went into seizures at 2:00am She is being rushed to TMC and we are headed there also. Please, please pray!


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From: rodhugen
Date: Sun Aug 17 12:39:06 EDT 2008 Subject: Good news

We are back home, exhausted but thrilled. They were able to stop Jolie's seizures and bring down her temperature to near normal. They were intent on admitting her to the hospital here in Tucson, but her mother convinced them that this had happened before and that she could be released once her seizures stopped and she had recovered a bit of strength. She (and the rest of us) are either sleeping or headed that direction. Justin had intended to bring them to Vespers this evening, but after he gets a nap, he is headed to Phoenix to return this little cutie and her big sister to their mother.

Poor Terra doesn't get to go to the Bat Cave (Colossal Cave)this morning and her plan to serve me breakfast in bed for my birthday got thwarted. She was planning this big day for me (and for her :)) and is deeply disappointed, although she is happy her sister is okay. There is nothing like having paramedics parade into your house at 1:30 in the morning when you are playing host to an eight year old and a two year old you know only because Justin stood up and made a vow before God to be a surrogate spiritual father to a little baby girl years ago. Seeing his gentle care for Terra and Jolie reminds me of our Father's love for all his children. Jolie does not really speak understandably, but she points at Justin and says, "I." to which Justin responds, "love." and Jolie then claps and says, "you!" She then breaks out into a huge, beautiful smile. I want to play that game with God more.

Please pray for their safety as they return home today and that there would be no further episodes.

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From: blancaro
Date: Wed Aug 27 14:02:48 EDT 2008 Subject:

Rod, what a heartwarming story. What a great gift has God sent to this little girls...Justin along with your family. I am so happy for you, I can't even imagine what it feels like to you to enjoy the love of your little granddaughters. I wonder how God feels when we offer him our love and attention with the purity and enthusiasm of a little girl. It brings tears to my eyes.

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