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From: rodhugen
Date: Wed Dec 23 11:49:56 EST 2009 Subject: How good is God!

kelsea: No Subject (12/29/09)
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kelsea: No Subject (12/29/09)
I went to the Ear, Nose, Throat doctor yesterday to discuss hearing aids. She spent quite a bit of time talking me through what was going on and what needed to be done. She talked about how sound waves travel into the ear canal and strike the ear drum which triggers movement in small bones that somehow interact with nerves that send messages to the brain that the brain identifies and responds to instantly. Because of the hearing loss in my left ear, I no longer have the ability to hear certain vowel and consonant sounds. But almost instantly my brain has adapted and fills in what it supposes are the missing sounds so that, for the most part, I can still determine what folks say–if they talk loud enough and I can also read their lips. Sometimes the brain fills in wrong data which can be pretty funny. I thought the food server was asking me for my order when she actually complaining about the guy who left a tip of a quarter.

The doctor told me that the problem I have with determining where sound is coming from is because the ears transmit sound to the brain independently and the brain figures out the difference in time between the two and then sends out a message about the direction the sound might be coming from. I’ve ruined that in one ear so the brain will have me spinning my head trying to figure out where the chirping cricket is. If I give the doctor three grand she can make me nearly good as new. If I give her two grand she can make my life a lot easier. If I give her a grand she can help me with hearing conversation a bit better. If I give her nothing I will continue to lean in and ask people to repeat themselves and say, “Huh?” a lot.

Anyway, I got to thinking about how amazing our ears are and our brains are and how amazing it is that they all just happened to develop by natural selection and accidental evolutionary processes and pure dumb luck. Just kidding! How good is God that he made us with the ability to hear and to distinguish sounds and where they come from and we don’t even know it is happening? How good is God that we can be stone cold deaf and he can touch our ears and make them whole? How good is God that we can be stone cold deaf and still hear the still, small voice of his Spirit? How good is God that he gives us the grace to walk confidently in this world despite significant hearing loss, knowing he never lets go of the ones he loves? And how good is God that he would send his Son to be one of us and take my defiant anger and rage at the seeming injustice of hearing loss to the cross and take the punishment of my defiance on himself. How good is God!

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