Villagersonline : blogs : rodhugen : HELP2!!!
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The Village meets at 5pm Sundays
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From: rodhugen
Date: Fri May 1 22:40:09 EDT 2009 Subject: HELP2!!!

MaryKay: No Subject (5/2/09)
rodhugen: No Subject (5/2/09)
Responses (sorted by date)
rodhugen: No Subject (5/2/09)
MaryKay: No Subject (5/2/09)
My next door neighbor is in need of a caregiver for the next few months or so. She is an elderly lady who needs someone to drive her to doctor's appointments, do some grocery shopping, errand running, and other small household tasks. She would like someone about four or five hours a day and is pretty flexible on hours and pay. She has a maid service and a yard person so the work will be pretty light. What she truly needs is a companion. She broke her hip a year ago and recently broke her shoulder. She has also been struggling with a mystery illness that has left her pretty weak. She is not bed ridden and mostly wants someone to sit with her and make sure she is okay.

She is a wonderful lady who I dearly love and she called me and wondered if there was anybody in the Village who could help her out. She is very friendly and fun to talk to. She would greatly prefer a female and would like to start as early as next week if possible.

If you are interested or can help in any way, please call me or respond here and I'll get in touch. For the record, you'll need a driver's license and the ability to get to the Harrison/Golf Links area.



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From: MaryKay
Date: Sat May 2 13:18:12 EDT 2009 Subject:

How many days a week?

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From: rodhugen
Date: Sat May 2 15:44:24 EDT 2009 Subject:

Probably Monday through Friday, but she didn't specify.

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