Villagersonline : blogs : rodhugen : Distant Villagers
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From: rodhugen
Date: Sun Feb 17 12:47:36 EST 2008 Subject: Distant Villagers

adriennelynne: returning the joy (2/18/08)
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adriennelynne: returning the joy (2/18/08)
One of the joys of traveling is that you get to meet friends far away. Friday I skipped out of meetings a bit early and joined David and Adrienne for lunch. They did a road trip from Ann Arbor to Grand Rapids and we hung out at the Red Robin for a few hours remembering, sharing, and watching David create pretty pictures on the coasters. Aargh...I forgot to bring them with me.

I went on and on about the banquet and we talked about the joys of medical school and looking forward to Junior. David reviewed my medical condition and nodded wisely and said, "Hmmmm..." a couple times while looking concerned so I think he'll probably be a great doctor. :) I could not believe that people would leave the God favored city of Tucson to go to the frozen tundra of Michigan. The Crawfords were amening and talking about how much colder it had been. We thought it might be that they were being punished by God, but we liked the concept that our sins are whiter than snow. We talked about how they are bringing Village values to their new community and how much we miss each other.

After a few hours they had to return and I had to catch a shuttle to the airport so we parted again. We hugged and said goodbye and hoped to do it again and when they left I cried for how much I hate the miles that keep us apart. And for the joy of seeing their faces again.


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From: adriennelynne
Date: Mon Feb 18 09:24:27 EST 2008 Subject: returning the joy

Living in Michigan has made us so isolated from The Village. We read about the things that are going on and talk to a few people on the phone, but the lack of face to face interaction is extremely lonely. I feel so connected, and yet so deeply disconnected. Marriages happen, babies are born, and we can only smile and share in the joy from afar.
So you can imagine our excitement when Rod said he would be in Michigan.
The time we spent with him was very special. It was exactly as Rod described.

There is nothing like being connected with family after time apart.

And thank you, Rod, for your beautiful words.

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