Villagersonline : blogs : pastorjames : tax refund reflections . . .
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From: pastorjames
Date: Mon Jan 24 18:20:58 EST 2011 Subject: tax refund reflections . . .

Karen: Tax credit pay-it-forward (1/26/11)
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Karen: Tax credit pay-it-forward (1/26/11)
Last year Pastor Eric and I were chumming about our income tax preparations and how much – if anything – we could expect back from Uncle Sam. We felt especially pious to be talking about money and how to be responsible with it since this was part of our vision at The Village in 2010. Pastors do that.

With the following question did I shoot myself in the foot: “Is it appropriate to ‘tithe’ a portion (at least 10%) of our tax refund?”

We agreed that it is appropriate to give to God a portion of all He gives us, whatever the source, because He expects it from us and because it belongs to Him anyway. That was a big reality check for me because Elizabeth and I were expecting to receive an $8,000 tax credit from the purchase of our home in 2009. Add that to the normal amount we were expecting and that’s a pocket full of tithe change!

Well, we tithed a big chunk, and so did Eric and Sue; it felt right and godly. And this year we plan to do the same. The amount of our tax refund this year will be different, but our commitment to give God a portion is the same.

I trust you will follow our lead . . .

Jimmy and Liz

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From: Karen
Date: Tue Jan 25 21:55:03 EST 2011 Subject: Tax credit pay-it-forward

Jeremy and I had fun doing that this year. We donated more to the Village, as well as to others doing the work of the Gospel ;-) It was great deciding together.

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