Villagersonline : blogs : mike : My first poem
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From: mike
Date: Wed Apr 14 16:59:25 MST 2004 Subject: My first poem

Boojeee: thanks (4/15/04)
blancaro: soft comforting light (4/16/04)
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blancaro: soft comforting light (4/16/04)
Boojeee: thanks (4/15/04)
The fast brought me closer to The Lord, and reminded me he is my strength. I have never written a poem before, and I understand grammer rules do not apply. Which is good because I broke most of them. ( sorry Karen )

My mind numbed by horror and drink I walk the mostly deserted streets at night.
Friendless. Alone.
My only companionship other creatures of the night like myself.
Predators all.
Like the coyote hunting prey smaller, weaker than itself.
Showing no mercy.
Expecting none.
Waiting for death. Fearing it yet welcoming it.
A dim glow on the horizon, slowly growing brighter.
Afraid of the light yet drawn to it I stand frozen with fear wanting to run unable to move the light grows stronger parting the darkness piercing my soul.
The light burns me yet comforts me.
The light is painful, yet does not harm me.
"You were lost. I have been looking for you" explains the God of the universe as he binds my wounds.
I weep with relief he has found me, and joy at the healing and mercy extended to me. Such a thing I had not thought possible as he leads me into the soft comforting light.

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From: Boojeee
Date: Thu Apr 15 10:46:36 MST 2004 Subject: thanks

that's beautiful, mike

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From: blancaro
Date: Fri Apr 16 14:21:00 MST 2004 Subject: soft comforting light

I like were the poem takes you at the end....

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