Villagersonline : blogs : laynEpoo : you're awesome
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From: laynEpoo
Date: Mon Jun 4 13:18:52 EDT 2012 Subject: you're awesome

To my lovely community---

What a joy it was to celebrate with you this past weekend, and what a gift it is to be one of you, to be part of our beautiful and strange little family!

Tracy and Jon Mark are married. They're off on their honeymoon. I can hardly believe it!

And I want to say "THANKS!" from the rooftops!

THANKS for bringing AMAZING desserts! They were beautiful, and SO DELICIOUS, and they're are still some in the Village fridge - the Lord so multiplies good things.

THANKS to Rod, and the Flacks for providing us with an amazing meal at the wedding, and then again at work so hard amidst not even being in this state (Rod was out of town this past week) and dealing with life craziness, to then pull off cooking an AMAZING meal for 120 people...WOW.

THANKS to the amazing people who stayed before and after, setting up, and taking down, to Karen and Sue for the awesome music we could almost hear while getting ready that washed peace over Tracy, and for another rockin' wedding sermon by Eric! While we were taking pictures, Jon Mark and his best man were going through Eric's three main points like they were reviewing for a test - SO CUTE.

THANKS to all of you who helped plan, arrange, loan, provide, and just supported the whole process - which is pretty much all of you. The proverb "it takes a village to raise a child" I think should be changed to "it takes the Village to throw a wedding".

You are awesome. I am truly honored and blessed by your fellowship.


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