Villagersonline : blogs : laciekaye : I'm a Seattlite now!
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From: laciekaye
Date: Tue Jul 25 19:33:02 MST 2006 Subject: I'm a Seattlite now!

Karen: Hey, Lacie! (8/8/06)
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Karen: Hey, Lacie! (8/8/06)
I've been thinking about you all and wanted to give you a quick update. I've been here almost a month now, but it still feels like I'm on vacation most of the time because I'm still staying with a friend, no job yet, not much to do except sleep and read and explore. But it's a gift, because in September life will get really crazy.

I found a great place, and my friend Megan and I move in on August 1st. It's in the Central District, which is a residential neighborhood on the south side of Seattle, maybe a five minute drive from Pike Place Market. Megan (we met through a mutual friend) and I have bonded, and are getting good at living together in her one-bedroom apartment, so I think we'll do great when we get into our own space. We have a beautiful garden in our backyard, which our landlord maintains and we simply get to enjoy.

I interviewed with a nanny company yesterday and things are looking pretty positive that I will be placed with a family within the next month.

School doesn't start until the beginning of September, so no homework just yet.

I've gotten involved with a community led by a friend of Hannah's named Rick, and it's been exciting to meet some people who, though they don't have as much experience as we do, want the same deep, genuine kind of truly living together as we figure out what it means to follow Jesus. I went to Hood Canal for the weekend with them, and we ate clams we picked off the beach, drank wine and talked late into the night while we watched the stars over the ocean - it was a sweet time.

My phone number will change next week, after I get into my new place, so I'll write another update with that information.

Hope you're enjoying your summer.

Miss you all.


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From: Karen
Date: Tue Aug 8 13:05:31 MST 2006 Subject: Hey, Lacie!

...if you read this, call me...with your new number and address! I don't think I'll be home much this week, but there's always that box that lets you talk for 30 seconds.

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