Villagersonline : sermons : eric : Nahum 3 Power 2008
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The Village meets at 5pm Sundays
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Nahum 3: Power

Nahum3power2008.mp3 - Download

Last week we finished up the book of Nahum. In our final conversation we talked about power and how it dominates our conversations, our engagement with culture, our attempts to find significance in life, etc. I don’t think I put enough emphasis in my message on the source of true power. If we take seriously what God said when he states that He (the Lord of hosts, the God of power) is against Assyria, and we hold onto this idea as a metaphor for God being against sin in the same way, we then realize that God destroyed sin and death by humiliating himself on the cross. So oddly enough, our true power and strength come from the humiliation of God on the cross. The strength to resist sin and to be people who live free from oppression comes from the cross. It is evidenced by our love of others. It is expressed in our willingness to be humbled and not dominate others with our own agenda.
The practical application of this is similar to what I said in my message. Because Christ died for us, there’s no need to present a better story or a more crazy adventure than another person. As a woman, if our value and safety is hidden in Christ, then there’s no need to use sexuality as a way of gaining significance and manipulating relationships. As men, if our strength is in the cross, there’s no need for us to get wrapped up in our job or physical prowess to give us a sense of strength or impact. We no longer need to buy the messages of culture that tell us what makes us significant, beautiful, powerful, important.
For the next six weeks we’re going to do something a little different at the Village. We are going to be talking about the basics of the faith. This week we’ll do a basic overview of God and the Trinity. I’m very excited about this series, where we’ll be discussing Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the death, resurrection and ascension of God.

Pastor Eric

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