Villagersonline : blogs : eric : The Meeting
A Community Tunneling Protocol
The Village meets at 5pm Sundays
1926 N. Cloverland Ave. map

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From: eric
Date: Sun Jun 18 09:03:22 MST 2006 Subject: The Meeting

The Village Community Ministries
Blue Moon/“Quarterly” Drumming Circle
June 16, 2006
The Beating of the Drum

Children’s Ministry
1. Godly Play explanation
a. coordinated by two teams of five parents each
b. one team works with kids for five weeks
c. other team plans next five weeks’ programs
d. single / non-parents asked to participate as enforcer” or “helper”
e. each week = one parent + one volunteer
f. parent leads the program flow
2. Godly Play flow demonstration
3. Someone to lead Apostles’ Creed for kids

God Speaks to Eric
1. Worshipping heroes in the faith: this is a problem
2. Is one talent enough?
3. What is God really asking us to do?
4. The Village sprouted from Isaiah 61
5. Restoring brokenness is our business
6. The Story of ‘Sergio’
7. Forming a community that can reach into Tucson and change it
a. authenticity
b. art/creativity
c. offering the gospel
d. healing

What is God telling us to do?
1. Having a building of your own = growth
a. more permanent
b. people wander in more
c. less flux, more grounded and focused
d. important!
2. $350,000 buildings in town
a. mostly on south side
b. one building at Park & Grant – 2500 sq. ft.
i. bordered by college apartments
ii. parking next door and in neighborhood
iii. will attract church seekers
3. Financial Report summary
a. invested in healing 2002-2003
b. giving steadily increased
4. The Plan
a. Rod will give his $450 pizza money to building fund
b. Eric will take a pay cut and give it to building fund
c. Rod + Eric + Lutheran church rent = $1250
d. community needs some cash flow!!!
e. rest of ‘giving units’ need to add $50 over what they already give
f. the community must own the place

Rod Speaks to the Village
1. Standard intro: Rod insults Eric again
2. Difficulties of fundraising
a. To be able to say “we have X pledged per month” would help in fundraising
b. Asking others to come join something we’re already doing goes further
3. Rod confesses his sin of demanding a special act of God
4. Rod confesses his sin of “needing” to fix or save people
5. Invitation: let’s all get in on the healing wave
6. Don’t forget how BIG God’s church is – even though we’re a small community
7. Georgia on my mind… a story about the big church of God

Questions from the Community
1. Can we gain access to the kitchen at the Lutheran Church? (probably yes)
2. How many people will the proposed new building hold? (maybe 100-150)
3. Will we have two offerings on Sunday? (No. Overflow from budget will go to fund)
4. Are we shifting our focus from what has made us special to something more controlled by money? (good question)
5. Should we be able to designate money for the building fund? (No)
6. “This isn’t a club.” – Joel Cepin
7. Do we really need to eat at Vespers? (who knows)
8. It is hereby decreed: The Village is a very generous community. (No doubt!)
9. Could we yard sale as a start for fundraising? (why not? Trizia will help get it started)

Closing Prayer by Eric

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