Villagersonline : blogs : eric : Lord's prayer
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Ever since Eric did his teaching on the Lord's prayer I've been wrestling
with suggesting the following.
I can expand on the research if you want, but what I've learned is that the
version of the prayer which appears in Luke 11 is probably more accurate a
translation than the expanded version which appears in Matthew. In the
original it reads something like this:
Dear Father (ABBA)
Hallowed be Thy name
Thy kingdom come
Our bread for tomorrow/give us today
And forgive us our debts/as we also herewith forgive our debtors,
And let us not succumb to the trial

Real briefly, I believe the church misses the point that this is an
eschatalogical prayer which calls down into our lives the gifts of
salvation, even now, even here, even today. Originally, it was prayed before
communion, and held out for believers only - as we do with the creed -
because the early church recognized it as calling down the kingdom, and that
calling was reserved for those who believed on Christ.

Abba - the familiar term of a child to a devoted father/it was heresy to
non-believing Jews to use that term, but Jesus not only invokes it Himself,
He invites us to use it as well
The first two "Thou" lines - clear call for the consummation of the age/Your
name is holy, bring Your kingdom.
The next two "We" lines - as Eric taught, 'bread' had more of a spiritual
'bread of life' connotation originally/not the pasta we put on it. So we're
saying 'bring the bread of salvation, a meal of the messianic age to us
here, today. And bring to us your forgiveness - that which we're promised in
the age to come, bring it today, and as You do, we are reminded of our own
responsibility to extend that to others.
The final line - also looking to the consummation of the age - 'the trial' =
the eventual testing of our faith against the apostasy. "Let us not succumb"
= help us to stand firm when that eventual testing comes.

We're praying down the gifts of salvation into our lives today - the age of
salvation being realized now. Clement of Alexandria said that we should pray
for the great things of God. I think we may have lost in today's church the
messianic point of the Lord's prayer that the early church understood.

I think it would be a powerful thing to open communion with the Lucan
version of the prayer I wrote above, and with one of you guys explaining
it's significance as pointing the the consummation of the age, and our
calling down God's salvation into our lives today, here, now.

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