Villagersonline : blogs : eric : 042604
A Community Tunneling Protocol
The Village meets at 5pm Sundays
1926 N. Cloverland Ave. map

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The Village: April 26, 2003
A Few extra thoughts on John 8. Here is what I forgot about the Hebrew word for adultery. It is "tinaf," and can be split into two words, "ten af," which translates as "giving anger." Some of the Midrash I read explains that adultery is an action particularly abhorrent to the Almighty - which particularly invokes His anger. The hallmark of the Jewish People has historically been the stability of family life. One who commits adultery violates and ignores this hallowed tradition . . . More thoughts . . . A friend of mine wrote me and suggested that the response to Jesus command to; “Go and leave your life of sin.” does imply a journey, but that often we use the ‘journey’ idea to let ourselves off the hook from really ‘leaving.’

Stuff to remember:
Tuesday: Funniest Bible Study Ever 6:30pm McConnell
House . . . and Gentler Writer’s Group 7:00pm
Seneca House
Friday: Ryan’s Bachelor Party 6:00pm at Fuddruckers
Saturday: Open House Birthday party: 5:00pm at the Lewis House. Bring your friends, bring some food, and bring some chairs and tables . . . everyone is invited.

Pastor Eric Cepin

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