Villagersonline : blogs : em : happy about back injury
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From: em
Date: Mon Jan 14 16:46:59 EST 2008 Subject: happy about back injury

so happy about my back injury

Friday, while doing a stretch I do every day, something popped loudly in my hip and caused me to cry out in pain. Pain began shooting down my leg into my foot. It hurt to walk or sit and I quickly discovered I couldn't get down to give Rosie a pacifier or to play with or comfort Eric without straining the injury even more. Hurting and Frightened, I went to bed on ice.
When Russ came home from work I told him I was asking God what he had planned through this and he encouraged me to lie there and read my Bible.
And you know what God did??!!! He showed my part of His agenda for my weeked which I spent in bed on ice. HIs agenda? A time of personal spiritual revival/renewal with Him. I.E., I was injured to be blessed. IS HE WACKED --- WACKED-OUT-WONDERFUL, OR WHAT!!!
I really sense His personal involment in the event of those last two min-paragraphs. HE gave me FAITH to ask Him if He had something planned -- to even believe He might have something planned through this injury. I had to "STEP INTO FAITH" to even go there. And I had to "STEP INTO FAITH" again to believe this was for my blessing, or even that there was a good plan going on.

"STEP INTO FAITH." I've had that phrase forming in my head for some time. I'm learning that I step into--and out of--faith often. That, as Spiderman says at the end of Spiderman 3, "I have choices and those choices make me who I am." I'm learning to sense when I chose FAITH--when I chose to BELIEVE/LIVE as though God is real and good and involved and -- TRUSTWORTHY. And when I chose NOT to go there. It's becoming clear to me that that choice--those in-the-moment choices--are what make for me being
or not
or dis-satified
or stressed-out
courageously embracing life
or discouraged
or grasping
or dulled-down
eager to share Jesus
or just getting through the day.

More examples....Oh--that's my alarm. Gotta go to my chiropracter. I'd like to hear some of your examples anyway.
--Emily Lewis

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