Villagersonline : blogs : em : Cliff's Edge
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From: em
Date: Wed Nov 4 13:54:50 EST 2009 Subject: Cliff's Edge

kelsea: No Subject (11/6/09)
em: cool! (11/14/09)
Responses (sorted by date)
em: cool! (11/14/09)
kelsea: No Subject (11/6/09)
God really encouraged me today and I wanted to share.
I was out walking and reading some things Jesus said about my identity.

He said that I'm the light of the world and that I should put that light on a stand to shine around and not under a basket.

Well, I thought, as I looked abound at the Halloween decorations still up in people's yard--THIS CITY SURE NEEDS LIGHT.

"How do I put myself up on a stand, Lord?"


I love it when I hear His voice! I love tasting the reality of His nearness.

As I walked and thought about His question, I knew it was true. I am hiding in a hole in the ground. Because I'm afraid--of many things. Mostly of what could happen to my body.

"LET GO OF YOUR FEAR, EMILY," He asked me--and asks even now.

And He's right--I'm holding onto my fear. And it keeps me from holding onto Him. I'm like someone in a movie hanging off the edge of a cliff who's trying to grab something else that's falling and so won't give both hands to the person leaning over the edge and trying to pull me up.

No wonder I fall -- INTO discouragement and OUT of peace and joy and fruitfullness. Often.

I'm thinking I need to know, like the fool in the movie, that the other stuff I'm trying to hold onto isn't worth it. So for me that would be my health, getting nicer things, impressing people, feeling like I have control over my work, chores, kids--basically, having life be what I want. As if fearing/worrying about that stuff is going to help me with it anyway...

SO--I let go, AGAIN, of everything but Jesus. He says "I am the way {Home} and the truth and the life." OK, Jesus, be my life--I give You both hands. YOU are life--NOTHING else satifies. I'm in YOUR HANDS--which nothing can take me out of. And when this little life is over, I'm be Home with You and God's other kids. I CAN'T LOSE. SO I LET GO OF FEAR.

Phewwww!!! I'm off the cliff's edge and up on the stand to shine the way for others, the way into Your arms. Thank You. You really are all that.

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