Villagersonline : pictures : derek : Villager
A Community Tunneling Protocol
The Village meets at 5pm Sundays
1926 N. Cloverland Ave. map


The Villager Redeaux (de goat). Now, to post him on my website, and I'm done. Yay! :)

My villager. He is still going to take a lot of work. I'm using him to teach myself more about vector graphics. The clothes, spear, and mouse are just about finished, and the rest . . . not so much.

The Villager Redeaux (sans goat). Note, the strange skin condition is gone. Personally, I think it rocks. Anyway, I learned a little, killed some time, and have something to show for it. All in a day (well, three days) work. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm strangly depressed and want a coffee.

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