Villagersonline : blogs : derek : A Blog of Relative Inanity Regarding Vacation
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From: derek
Date: Mon Jun 6 01:00:02 MST 2005 Subject: A Blog of Relative Inanity Regarding Vacation

emily: vader (6/9/05)
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emily: vader (6/9/05)
Anyway, I'm home from traveling to and fro seeking for whom I may devour. I didn't do much up in Washington, (Bellinghamish/Seattlish area). But, I consumed coffee, drew, wrote, hiked, consumed donuts, consumed buffalo wings, consumed more of coffee, and beat most of Benji's video games. For photos, see my website. These would be general photos, not photos specifically of my beating Benji's video games. Though that would make for good photography. Of course, that might give away trade secrets of a lightly seasoned veteran. Um, I suppose I could paste direct links, couldn't I?



Hurray for vacation photos! And the best part is, it's in Coppermine, so you can see them as a slideshow if you want! Three cheers for vacation slideshows!*
*More photos, sketches and writings are posted as received, scanned, edited, etc.

What did I learn in Washington, you ask? Hey! You might ask! Yes, well, I think what I learned in Washington is that I'm obsessive. Not in the traditional, “out, out, damn spot,” sort of mold, yet OCD. Whatever I'm working on becomes life to me. In creating game cards, game cards become my all. Most of my sketchbook is a jumbled brew of line drawings featuring people, creatures, and/or weaponry. This isn't necessarily bad, except that I want to draw scenery and architecture and other such stuffs, and I can't. So, that's annoying.

The other thing I learned was that despite myself, I can manage myself rather well. I hit a manic spell where I slept 3-4 hours a night for a few nights, and once not at all. But, I was okay in it. I could still function. I could still take care of myself. That really helps.

I also took that time to not do anything productive. Since it's vacation, and I'm traveling, I keep my mother's "hyper-agenda" attitude in the back of my mind. All sites must be seen. Adding to the length of the stay does not stretch out the time between events, but instead, redefines, broadens, and stretches the word “site.”

So, I discovered that I don't really care about the Space Needle or Pike's Market. I'd rather wander Sunset Pond behind Benji and Susan's apartment complex (named, oddly, the Sunset Pond Apartments), and for a few days, relax, read, draw, write. I'm quite easily entertained. Tourist sites are stressful and mostly not worth it. Besides, one billion photos have been taken of the Space Needle (That is the exact figure. True story!). And, why should I mess with such a beautifully round figure, I ask you!?

And so, in conclusion, I learned that Benji's mashed potatoes may cause death.

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