Villagersonline : blogs : dbonilla : Mourning Meds & Hope
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From: dbonilla
Date: Wed Oct 31 10:25:16 EDT 2007 Subject: Mourning Meds & Hope

Suki: Thank you (10/30/07)
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Suki: Thank you (10/30/07)
Mournings and Meditations on my Nonrelationship with Steven Barrios
His life now inspires hope.
Consider the life of this man.
Little did I know of his amazing impact.
If only I'd simply said hello as he was wheeled into
the very room where I taught math before his class met.
How sadness overwhelms me that I didn't!
I was too appalled at his overwhelming presence.
Had I not tried to avert my eyes and instead show compassion
I may have noticed that he glowed:
Someone loved that boy with a love that reflected in his face, a love that overcame all barriers,
a love that hoped against all hope for nearly 22 years.
But all I saw was an inconvenience.
I am full of shame over my horrible reaction.
I may have noticed his beautiful parents
had I only taken a moment to see
what Christ's eyes would see
Instead of merely waiting twice a week for that giant heavy wheelchair to get out of the way of the exit door.
Along with deep sadness and remorse, I feel undone with shame over the petty complaints of my life in comparison to the level of suffering he must have known.
But God gave him the grace to live in the circumstances under which He called him to live,
and his parents a love without condition.
Surely with joy and tears they recorded
in photographs every baby step
as his life could be taken away at any time.
With the news of his passage many more will now celebrate his life or, sadly, argue about its value.
'Cool Kid's' Zest for Life Trumped Handicap

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From: Suki
Date: Tue Oct 30 11:19:59 EDT 2007 Subject: Thank you

Thank you, Dennis.

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