Villagersonline : blogs : dbonilla : Compel 2B Happy Sad
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From: dbonilla
Date: Mon Feb 2 00:52:54 MST 2004 Subject: Compel 2B Happy Sad

Karen: Psych diagnoses (2/2/04)
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Why is someone considered compulsive? The behavior is chosen for one reason or another and therefore she is compelled to behave that way, right? Is that necessarily bad? If it is accompanied by an obsession then it can be bad, depending on what that particular obsession is.
Why is someone considered bipolar? (Is it politically incorrect now to call such a person schizophrenic?) How do you draw the line between the normal happy and sad times she experiences everyday and this psychiatric condition that needs medical attention?
Is anyone out there familiar with SpringBoard? If so, what can you tell me about it? My daughter may benefit.

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From: Karen
Date: Mon Feb 2 11:08:36 MST 2004 Subject: Psych diagnoses

Dennis, I can't really answer all of your questions, but I can help with a couple of them.

When you're using the word "compulsive" in a psychiatric context... "Obsessive-compulsive disorder is defined as the presence of obsessions or compulsions that produce substantial discomfort or impairment.

Obsessions are recurrent, markedly distressing thoughts, ideas, or impulses experienced as unwanted and senseless. Compulsions are repetitive, purposeful, intentional behaviors, usually performed in response to an obsession in order to reduce the distress or prevent some dreaded event."

(Source: DSM-IV)

The implication is that it is an unhealthy, destructive, or at least socially inappropriate behavior.

This site has a lot of helpful info about bipolar disorder.

The term "schizophrenia" is still used, but it is a very different diagnosis from bipolar disorder (which used to be called manic-depressive disorder). Obviously I'm not a psychiatrist, but a major symptom of schizophrenia is the general breakdown in one's perception and ability to interact with the environment. The person suffering from it can't tell what's real from what isn't. They hear voices, hallucinate, etc. They tend to have real trouble in social situations because of this.

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