Villagersonline : blogs : corwithani : have you ever?
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From: corwithani
Date: Mon Feb 19 21:04:36 EST 2007 Subject: have you ever?

ginger: No Subject (2/21/07)
andrea: Cori that's so wonderful! (2/21/07)
corwithani: :) (2/21/07)
Responses (sorted by date)
corwithani: :) (2/21/07)
andrea: Cori that's so wonderful! (2/21/07)
ginger: No Subject (2/21/07)
OK, this might sound strange/weird/who knows what else - but I really would like to ask it anyway and it'd be sweet to share God's sovereignty and power in our lives. so my question is,

Have you ever experienced God in such a way that is SO real, SO powerful, SO unbelievably and unimaginabely and overwhelmingly amazing that you don't have words to describe it, you can't sleep because of it, you know your life will (and will continue to) be forever changed because of it, you can't stop talking to people about it, you have prayed and worshiped Jesus constantly throughout the day because of it, etc., etc., etc. because of it --- ?

I have experienced this twice in my life. One was almost three years ago when I finally decided to throw off a sin that had been hindering me severely (after being convicted by Heb. 12:1-2)... and one was this past weekend at my sister's wedding.

I felt unashamed to be a woman for the first time in my life... and it was so Jesus. :):):)

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From: ginger
Date: Tue Feb 20 20:48:27 EST 2007 Subject:

Cori, that is so awesome! I totally know that feeling of being completely overwhelmed by Christ. It inspires me that you are embracing your womanhood ( something I too struggle with). My hope is that you will become more sure of it everyday. Run with it.

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From: andrea
Date: Wed Feb 21 09:59:44 EST 2007 Subject: Cori that's so wonderful!

Yeah! Just one question...when should we do a manicure/pedicure girly thing? Ok, I'll slow down if you wish. And I know; it may be my thing to look down at my pretty nails afterwards then be able to look a little more into my own eyes as a woman as I put on my make-up. It is my expression as a woman. But I support you a 10000% on your journey towards your own voice as a woman. We have such unique identity to offer as a woman and we do deprive others if we are invisible that way.

And yes, I know what you are talking about as far as the overwhelming experience of made me long for it again! It has been awhile. Thanks for the hope.

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From: corwithani
Date: Wed Feb 21 13:46:31 EST 2007 Subject: :)

hey andrea - that is the cool thing about it, you're not going too fast... I had my first ever manicure around a week ago and it actually felt totally normal and I wasn't self conscious or ashamed or anything! so I'd definitely be okay with doing more girly/feminine things now. I'm telling you, a miracle happened! :)

so cool. I so appreciate all of your (as in everyone's, not just andrea :) support and encouragement and prayers and walking alongside of me during this process. not that I'm "there" yet but Jesus so showed up in a way that I don't think I'll ever be the same.

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