Villagersonline : blogs : corwithani : A drink
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From: corwithani
Date: Wed Dec 24 14:34:26 EST 2008 Subject: A drink

kelsea: No Subject (1/3/09)
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kelsea: No Subject (1/3/09)
No man that I can remember has ever offered to buy me a drink. Ever. That all changed yesterday on my flight from Denver to Albuquerque to Tucson...

I got on the airplane lugging not only my backpack containing my laptop and other things but also my rollerbag behind me. I knew I wouldn't have a ton of time when I got to the airport so I decided against checking my rollerbag even though I knew it would be annoying having it with me.

Now, please believe me when I tell you that I was planning on asking the flight attendant at the emergency exit row toward the middle of the plane to help me no matter who it was (male or female, old or young). I was not intentionally hitting on him. I get to the emergency exit row and see a younger male flight attendant sitting there, so I ask him to help me lift my rollerbag up into the overhead bin because I had my humongo backpack on so I didn't want to try to lift it myself. He originally commented that that isn't in his job description, but I knew that he was kidding and so he put it up there for me. I sat down and he explained that he needed to sit by me for a minute since he would have to explain the emergency features. So he sat and he asked where I was headed and why, and he explained that he's from Berkeley, CA, which doesn't really count as being in California. So he was funny.

I was nearly asleep when he came through awhile later to take drink orders. When he got to me he squat down and said very clearly and bluntly, "Can I buy you a drink?" I was shocked. Was this really a man being so clear and forward with me that he didn't even try to flirt before asking me such a question - he just threw it out there - "can I buy you a drink?" Since I was so shocked it took me a few seconds to answer. He nearly walked away before I finally ordered a rum and coke.

Before the ABQ - Tucson flight I got up to change my seat to sit more toward the front of the plane. He came over and gave me a hard time about moving out of his section, and I simply explained I wanted to sit more toward the front so I could get off quicker. Well, sure enough, when the drink ordering time came around there he was. He started at the row in front of me taking drink orders. He got to me and I said, "Excuse me, sir, but doesn't your section start at the back of the plane?" He gave me some fake answer which I informed the highschooler sitting next to me that he was lying. :)

Toward the end of the flight he came through again and asked when I would be returning. I told him when and he reached in his pocket. I was thinking for sure that he had written me some creepy note with his phone number on it or something, but instead he handed me 3 drink coupons for my flight back.

He never asked for my number or made me feel uncomfortable, he was just friendly and funny. Perhaps he expected me to just give him my phone number or something - who knows. All I know is that the first man to buy me a drink really just blessed my day.

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