Villagersonline : blogs : clrclady : Take me home Poem
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From: clrclady
Date: Tue Feb 21 23:22:09 EST 2012 Subject: Take me home Poem

I am out of the woods; I feel it and sense it.
But I have not arrived at my destination,
I am back on the road, traveling in reality,
And yet, now the insanity looks so sweet.
Another night of Valium, I will do according to what my doctor says.
The sleep that is not sleep, but is a drugged state of exhaustion;
You lie down as your body goes numb;
No feeling, no senses, no reality anymore.
At least I dreamed last night on the lower dose;
At least I had some sense of myself in that drugged state.
I hate being out of control; I hate my mind being so weak.
I feel so utterly alone and yet I have so many people around me;
What is my longing? What is my desire?
Am I allowed to have them anymore?
I ridged life I have led to protect from the evil I see and feel;
I have nothing to give; nothing to help; nothing to offer.
Everything was taken from me at such an early age;
What is it that I have left that is actually me?
How do I separate the imposter from the true self?
Which is which, what really exists anyway?
Where is my lover, what is his name?
Does he even exist or is he a figment of some distorted reality?
The anger and depression have hit; the mania floating away.
The danger zone is approaching; what will I choice?
Is there any way to go back? Would I even want to at all?
So much blood has been shed; there is no need for anymore.
I wish I was invisible again, and then I could have a reason to let go.
Just let go, oh that sweet release; take me home today my lover.
Take me home today.

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