Villagersonline : blogs : clrclady : Delicate Flower and Blessing
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From: clrclady
Date: Tue Mar 10 19:13:04 EDT 2009 Subject: Delicate Flower and Blessing

“A delicate flower” About a year ago, some people started defining me as this and I wanted to reject it right away. I am not delicate, I am the rough and tough tom boy who can bench press half my weight. I am the TOUGH girl. Well, as my body has deteriorated and I can eat less and less things and still be digestively sound and as I keep getting sick, I am brought back to this delicate flower bit. And I have been fighting with God on it a bit with the resting as well per my other blog. And it seemed like a week ago God said, “Stop being a spoiled brat and repent.” I felt like He was saying to me what He said to the Isrealites in Exodus 16, “I have heard the grumbling of the Israelites.” He heard my grumbling, He had given me a way to be healed and healthy and a way to eat that would make my body happy and that was that. It was time to stop grumbling. Ask Eric said, I had asked my three times for the thorn in my flesh to be removed and He had not removed it so it was time to live life and admit I had a delicate body.
So as I have been think this last week and trying not to grumble, I have been realizing all the freedom and good things God has really given to me. I have a car. Only 8% of the worlds population has a car and I can get up and go whenever I want to. That is a huge freedom. I was just in San Antonio for three days with work the end of January without a mode of transportation and it was miserable. We were away from anything civilized and I was hoping to get some fruit from a store when I got there, but there was no hopes of that. A car is a great blessing that He has given me. He has also given me enough money that I can go to the store and get any kind of plant based material to eat within reason. He has given me my daily bread. I have a good job and I actually still have a job with layoffs all around I am mighty greatful for that. I have a good family around me and lots of friends to cry, laugh, eat and have fun with. I live in a nice home that keeps me dry from any storms and provides me with a running shower and toilet to deal with my digestive issues when they arise. I would hate to be living in the time of the Isrealites. I would be banned out of the camp all the time. I have medicine that helps my digestive issues, keeps my brain in check, and helps me sleep which always makes things better. I can worship my God in a church and with my community freely and without fear of persecution. God graces my life with an abundance of little children who are always around when I need a kid fix. He has given me a father who every week takes me out to eat for Breakfast and listens to be babble. He has given me a lot of good stuff; there really is no reason for grumbling. He has freed me as He had freed the Isrealites and that is one of the best gifts of all. So, if you can pray that I will stop fighting with God and if you hear me grumbling, you have my permission to correct me and remind me that I am blessed.

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