Villagersonline : blogs : clrclady : A loss
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From: clrclady
Date: Fri Jul 23 17:15:37 EDT 2010 Subject: A loss

Have a furlough day today. Went up to the mountain and had a good time with God. I got totally rained on. Now, I am home missing my dog. I had to put Lucky down at 2am yesterday morning because the Valley Fever she was fighting had gone into her brain and made it so she had lost all control of her legs and could not stand at all. All she could move was her head. I keep remembering one my favorite stories about her and wanted to share it.

It was one of the first times a took her to run in the wash with a friend of mine and her dogs. She did well at this if I kept a close eye on her and called her back when she got too far off. I was not paying attention at one point and she took off after a rabbit. She totally got out of ear range. I felt so bad and went hunting for her, yelling for her. My friend and I searched and searched. We separated to cover more ground and I was thinking the worse and heading back to my car and feeling horrible. When I got back to the parking lot, I saw Lucky sitting by the driver’s side door of my car. She was not panting or out of breath; she had been there for a while just waiting. She was very happy to see me and ready to go home. I just hugged her and laughed. We took her to wash many other times and never ran off again. She was such a loyal dog.

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