Villagersonline : blogs : blksheep67 : What Would You Take?
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From: blksheep67
Date: Wed Sep 7 11:47:10 MST 2005 Subject: What Would You Take?

Karen: What, indeed (9/7/05)
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Karen: What, indeed (9/7/05)
With the devastation from Hurricane Katrina I was reminded of the verse in Job 1:21:

"...Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away;
Blessed be the name of the Lord."

My youngest nephew is 10 and always must have the latest toy or video game. Whenever he comes to visit his grandparents it's a grand event with all of his toys and I remember when I was like that. In fact I wonder if I'm still like that with my many books.
As a culture we are very materialistic and commercialized.
If a tragedy like that occurred right here and now what would we grab as we attempted to get to high ground and escape. Certainly family and pets would be our first concern and in hindsight food and water.
I have thought about it and as far as possessions I would take my bible, my medications, my photo album, and my portable hard drive (my life is backed up on it so to speak).
If we were saved out of destruction by God would we look back longingly like Lot's wife?
What Would You Take?

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From: Karen
Date: Wed Sep 7 14:11:49 MST 2005 Subject: What, indeed

This answer's for Joel (who may not even read the website): "Many small packets." ;-)

If I can take Mary Poppins' carpetbag with everything in it, including the lamp, that would be great.

If not...I'll have to think.

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