Villagersonline : blogs : blancaro : Mas poesias
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From: blancaro
Date: Thu Mar 25 09:11:18 MST 2004 Subject: Mas poesias

Suki: Response (3/26/04)
Karen: Translation (3/31/04)
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Karen: Translation (3/31/04)
Suki: Response (3/26/04)
I have never written poems in spanish, tried in English but found to it very frustrating. Yesterday sitting on a class wrote the first one. No title, not finished. But I liked the feeling, so I wrote another one last night. Provides a nice way for emotions to flow out.

Donde estas cuando te busco mas
me dejas aqui sola con mis pensamientos
que me arranco el alma para no amar mas
y te maldigo y te bendigo
de rodillas en un solo cantar

Donde estas cuando te necesito mas
estoy ya cansada de esperar
en esta horrible cuidad
no me queda mas que confesar
que la vida no me da mas
y que voy a dormir profundamemte
para nunca despertar jamas

- Blanca

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From: Suki
Date: Fri Mar 26 08:16:09 MST 2004 Subject: Response

Wow, Blanca, that's beautiful.

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From: Karen
Date: Wed Mar 31 09:47:29 MST 2004 Subject: Translation

Just where are you when I keep looking for you
You leave me here alone with my thoughts
that I pluck out my own soul
to stop loving
and I curse you
and I bless you
singing alone on my knees

Where are you when I need more of you
I'm already sick of hoping
in this ghastly city
There's nothing left for me but to confess
that life holds nothing more for me
and that I will slip into a deep sleep
to never despair
ever again

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