Villagersonline : blogs : andrea : who is couple 390?
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From: andrea
Date: Thu Mar 15 21:34:02 EDT 2007 Subject: who is couple 390?

adriennelynne: prayer (3/16/07)
Karen: Go, couple 390! (4/4/07)
andrea: sonogram (4/12/07)
russ: deep grin (4/12/07)
ginger: Butterflies (4/14/07)
Responses (sorted by date)
ginger: Butterflies (4/14/07)
russ: deep grin (4/12/07)
andrea: sonogram (4/12/07)
Karen: Go, couple 390! (4/4/07)
adriennelynne: prayer (3/16/07)
Check out this link...look specifically at family #390 towards the bottom of the page.

They look familiar...they are so good looking. I would want them to parent my children, wouldn't you? ;)

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From: adriennelynne
Date: Thu Mar 15 22:10:33 EDT 2007 Subject: prayer

Ryan and Andrea,
What a beautiful description of yourselves. I glanced through a few other families.... not knowing anything about each family it must be a difficult decision each expectant mother makes. You all look so loving! Thus, it will be God choosing a child for you...He will open the eyes of the expectant mom and show her to your page. I totally beleve He has this under control and that He is going to place children in your home. I am so exccited for the future. May the blessings begin!
You are both so faithful and trusting in the Lord. Thank you for motivating us to pray persisantly for the desires of our hearts.


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From: Karen
Date: Wed Apr 4 19:23:34 EDT 2007 Subject: Go, couple 390!

;-), hooray!

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From: andrea
Date: Thu Apr 12 11:42:12 EDT 2007 Subject: sonogram

Yesterday, I went to a prenatal appt with our birthmother. It was amazing. I heard our baby daughter's heart beat. I also saw her beautiful face in the sonogram images. The coolest part of the sonogram was seeing her little looked like a pogo stick with a little flat pinwheel attached that went up and down on the stick. It was so awsome. Also, the umbilical cord looked like the 6 pack of soda plastic rings to keep the soda together (the ones you have to clip apart before throwing them out or birds get caught in know what I am talking about?).

We have beautiful pictures if anyone wants to see.

Anyway, I am sure you mothers and fathers out there have seen all of this marvelousness. But this was definetly my first time. What a time of turning 'ashes into beauty'...the only songram I have ever seen before is looking at my dysfunctional reproductive system and digestive system. There wasn't anything dysfunctional about the pictures I was honored to see yesterday.

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From: russ
Date: Thu Apr 12 15:28:19 EDT 2007 Subject: deep grin

This is the world as it Ought To Be.

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From: ginger
Date: Sat Apr 14 00:01:27 EDT 2007 Subject: Butterflies

Oh, I so know what you are talking about. I always had butterflies when I saw the sonograms of my kids. What an awesome experience for you. Just think you can tell her that you saw her before she had been born. I'm elated for you both!!!(actually the three of you:)

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