Villagersonline : blogs : adriennelynne : update
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From: adriennelynne
Date: Thu Nov 6 13:36:54 EST 2008 Subject: update

andrea: praying (11/6/08)
Suki: Sigh (11/12/08)
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Suki: Sigh (11/12/08)
andrea: praying (11/6/08)
So I talked with the case worker today from the adoption agency and the foster family has decided to adopt her. I have mixed feelings. When I separate myself from the equation, I feel relief because I know they really love her and I know this it is good for her not to move again. I also know we are currently in transition as we are moving to Detroit. When I think about myself and what I want, I am sad. I love her too. And it's hard that we don't get to have her. But there are a lot of children who need a lot of love, and I won't let this experience, as difficult as it has been, keep us from taking in more children over the years...if that is where God leads us...
I am so grateful that the decision has been made and that she is finally home...well, until Daddy calls her into His loving arms and takes away the pain she has endured.
So thanks to all you who loved her and took care of her. And thanks for the ways in which you love us. We feel it...even when we are far away.

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From: andrea
Date: Thu Nov 6 18:28:19 EST 2008 Subject: praying

I feel the pain of those mixed feelings with you. There is still a loss for both you and her though she has a gain too. I am glad that God answered though he answered differently that we thought he was.

Love you...

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From: Suki
Date: Wed Nov 12 18:33:36 EST 2008 Subject: Sigh

I know that you love her deeply and well, so I'm sad about this. I believe that it will be for your best & hers, since God handpicked it after all of the praying that has happened. I think it's nifty that she's already done the transitioning into the place she'll live. I'm glad your process will be completed by her adoption -- no more wondering if you should be offering something or if she'll be coming to live with you. I guess it provides a hopeful closure on all fronts. I'm praying for her & her adoptive family and for you guys.

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