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From: adriennelynne
Date: Fri Aug 10 07:52:47 EDT 2007 Subject: a mockery

Karen: What I think....? (8/10/07)
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Karen: What I think....? (8/10/07)
A good friend of mine has begun a blog as she leaves to work with a refugee organization in Ghana. She stopped believing in God around the time I did, for many of the same reasons. Her work with refugees over the last 3 years has been quite significant. So anyway, she started her blog and posted this link. What do you think?

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From: Karen
Date: Fri Aug 10 19:00:15 EDT 2007 Subject: What I think....?

I think that your friend has a distorted view of Christianity.

I can take comfort in the fact that this story just isn’t true. I also believe that much aid already sent, has been squirreled away rather than being given away to the starving.

My first thought analyzing the details of the article was actually, “How many folks from Lubbock even believe in transubstantation?” (Is that spelled correctly? My spell-checker isn’t liking it.)

I did a bit of googling and discovered that a lot of anti-God websites have links or references to this Onion story. Sometimes I really enjoy the bogus stories of The Onion, and I certainly have a love for satire (being part Irish and all….), but this was definitely a misfire for me.

Now, for some reality about Christians in Niger!

Meet some real missionaries, in this case, people sent by the Christian Reformed Church, not some fictitious yahoo driving a second-hand bread truck.

More details from the CRC.

These folks distributed Bibles to French-speaking urban youth. Most people in rural Niger aren’t educated, and therefore don’t know French—Wycliffe has been working there for 25 years, though….so headway is being made ;-)

These evangelicals seem to have a clue. They’re looking for MDs and vets to go to Niger.

I understand Operation Blessing is a Pat Robertson thing. I don’t really like Robertson much as a person or a politician (he just doesn't seem REAL at all when I've seen him on TV!), but this sure doesn’t sound like Bible-mobile. Sounds OK to me.

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