Villagersonline : blogs : adriennelynne : PRAYER
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From: adriennelynne
Date: Wed Jun 21 10:57:13 MST 2006 Subject: PRAYER

andrea: if your cousins would like.... (6/21/06)
adriennelynne: thank you (6/21/06)
adriennelynne: on answers (1/15/12)
andrea: Thanks! (1/15/12)
Responses (sorted by date)
andrea: Thanks! (1/15/12)
adriennelynne: on answers (1/15/12)
adriennelynne: thank you (6/21/06)
andrea: if your cousins would like.... (6/21/06)
I got a call from my mom last night about my cousin, Meg and her husband, Steve. They had a miscarriage earlier this year. Then they conceived again. They went in to have an ultrasound and find out the gender...they found out much more. The baby girl has hydroencephilitis- water on the brain. She has moderate to severe mental retardation. She is said not to reach past the capacity of a 6 year old. My cousin is considering abortion. Her husband isn't sure. My heart is screaming! She mentioned adoption as an option. I wrote her a letter to encourage her in adoption...but ultimately it is between her, Steve, and God. I ask that you would pray for them in this heartbreaking situation. Thanks for reading.

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From: andrea
Date: Wed Jun 21 12:17:31 MST 2006 Subject: if your cousins would like....

I have an adoptive mother who may be able to talk to them about the gift of this child for an adoptive parent; she adopted a child with the same issue. She has been willing in the past. Her child had great prognosis but did pass away a month ago or so of unforseen reasons. She has adopted at least 3 children with handicapps that have passed away; she adopted them knowing that this could happen for all of them. If your cousin would like this resource, let me know and I will contact her to see if she is still able to share though her grief is new...

Praying for your family.

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From: adriennelynne
Date: Wed Jun 21 13:02:08 MST 2006 Subject: thank you

Thank you Andrea. I gave Meg your response and your email. I don't know if she'll contact you. Thanks again.

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From: adriennelynne
Date: Sun Jan 15 09:31:53 EST 2012 Subject: on answers

So this entry popped up while I was googling for something else this morning! I totally forgot that I had asked for prayer for my cousin. So often I ask for prayer, but then fail to update those who are praying on what ended up happening. I totally robbed you who prayed the opportunity to experience God's grace and joy in this request!! My cousin scheduled an elective abortion, but the day before couldn't go through with it- so she cancelled the appointment. Avery was born at about 34 weeks and so had a stay in the NICU to stabilize her. When she was delivered her hydrocephalus was not as bad as they had prepared Meg for. (There is a range). She didn't even need a shunt right away. She had some delays- mostly in gross motor skills- but we'll never know what was a result of being a preemie and what was a result of the hydrocephalus. I just wanted you to know that five years later she is an amazing kid- a true answer to prayer... she has few medical needs. She is a beaming light of joy and excitement!

I have started my yearly Bible reading plan and for the NT am in Matthew and Acts- over and over again I am reading about Jesus healing people and then giving authority to his disciples to do the same. This is one of my greatest struggles in faith- knowing when to ask for healing, believing it's actually possible, and then trusting in God for His results. Also, being married to a doctor it can be so easy to trust in medicine or medical mysteries, and not give glory to God.

May this update on an answered prayer encourage us all to seek the Lord daily bringing our requests all day with the belief that He's got us. It would be kind of cool to go through all the previous posts and update everyone on the result and what God did through that request- knowing that God doesn't always give us the outcome we long for- and many may not even feel "answered" yet- but what about the ones that do feel fulfilled? Even just looking at our lives this past year seeing the blessings and pains and continuing to trust and believe in Him through both could be strengthening.

(I'm trying not to be too giddy because I know there was some really tough losses this past year, but I also believe in a God who loves us and want to respond to His blessings poured out).

...hoping to see many of you tonight.

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From: andrea
Date: Sun Jan 15 10:59:53 EST 2012 Subject: Thanks!

Thanks for the update! I am so happy to hear the joy and light this little girl brings to her family and to the world!

Can't wait to see you tonight!

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