Villagersonline : blogs : adriennelynne : Is it ever enough?
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From: adriennelynne
Date: Mon Jul 31 12:10:55 MST 2006 Subject: Is it ever enough?

ginger: The Good Ol' USA (7/31/06)
corwithani: seriously though (8/24/06)
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corwithani: seriously though (8/24/06)
ginger: The Good Ol' USA (7/31/06)
We live in a world that bombards us with advertisements. Buy this! Enjoy that! You deserve to indulge. I find myself being tempted by most of the ads. If I use this lotion my skin won't age! This food will keep me healthy. The ads remind me of my desires. The desire for acceptance. The desire for beauty. The desire for attention. However, upon buying the products my desires only become deeper and greater. I find myself wondering, is it ever enough? When does it end? When do the ads become ugly billboards that prevent me from seeing the beauty in God's creation? When do I turn off the television and spend time with God in His creation? When do Gucci and Coach bags fade away and our true selves shine through? What are we trying to do when we indulge in these products? Why is my desire to own just one Louis Vuitton purse and other expensive accessories continually telling me to indulge? Who am I trying to be? And yes, a Mercedes Benz would be nice to drive. how do I get rid of these desires and be real with WHY I want these things. After reading 2 Corinthians 8 I have been very convicted. Verse 15 references to Exodus. The Israelites were given exactly what they needed. "And when they measured it by the omar, he who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have too little. Each gathered as much as he needed." Exodus 16:18.
Is this another sign of God's greatness? I may not be called to live the way anotehr does- but I have the opporunity to live live a life that has neither too much nor too little.
So I say good-bye to the dream of a Mercedes and hello freedom! For God will not only meet the desires of acceptance, beauty, and health, but he will meet my material needs as well. I hear his voice in my purchases, but it is my decision that keeps me either bonded in chains or frees me up to a life of "enough".
This is one of th emost liberating ideas of my walk with God. Knowing His love for me and His grace is one thing, but stepping into freedom and believing He WILL provide me with all that I need is another. May I continually trust Him and walk into freedom. May I share with others that God knows what is their "enough". He knows the needs of all and promises to provide.
Yet we must remember that His way of providing may not be the same way we imagine. Lord, forgive us of our desires!
I later read
"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant, nor put their hope in wealth which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to be good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Thus I come to a satisfying conclusion. If I look to meet my desires by indulging in them and continually seeking to fill empty holes with purchases then I find that NO it is NEVER ENOUGH. However, if I surrender myself and sell all that God is asking me to get rid of (both material and not material) and be like the man described in Eric's sermon then YES I will come to the place where it IS ENOUGH. God is more than enough. And he promises to provide me with not any more nor any less than what is enough.
May we continually seek to live in a lifestyle that is pleasing to the Lord. May we enter into a life that is full of promises and let go of our desires.
Thank you Lord, for freeing me from a life that promises me that it will never be enough.

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From: ginger
Date: Mon Jul 31 15:16:22 MST 2006 Subject: The Good Ol' USA

We live in the richest and poorest country. Consumerism is the name of the game and if your not on board with that,something must be wrong with you. The problem is when the satisfaction with "things" wears off you must buy more to get that feeling. Like any addiction, it grows with a mind of it's own.
It is a problem that has seeped into our churches as well. A bigger building, brighter marque, and don't forget powerful pyrotechnics to really get the gospel effect.
I am not immune to this plague. It is so easy to look at others and see their happiness (usually a facade) and think, "If only ....". I get disgusted and discouraged by myself and lack of reliance on God to be my wholeness.
Oh how refreshing it is to be a part of a community that is striving to stay away from that "American" mindset. Thank you village people for reminding me what is truly precious and fullfilling.

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From: corwithani
Date: Wed Aug 23 20:10:59 MST 2006 Subject: seriously though

hey so i liked this post, mostly because it contains at least part of what I am feeling right now, having just come back from new zealand and am definitely (still) culture-shocking this country we call america. it's so weird, I have kind of felt like this before... but maybe not as much? or to such an extent? hmm. it's hard to put into words.
but yeah, while in new zealand it was just so refreshing experiencing a culture that is just simply not in a hurry. you order some coffee and even though there's no one in front of you, you still sit down with your little number and wait 5-10 minutes before it is delivered. quite a contrast for me having worked at starbucks and it's all about the speed.
so I think I definitely got in touch with some desires like that in new zealand, or realized just how much this world really doesn't fulfill. which is actually quite terrifying when that realization does hit you cause it's like this longing of wanting more from life seems to consume you. walking around U of A recently i've just felt so out of it, like man... this is so not fulfilling. so I guess it's been a good thing even though it's hard, I came away with a renewed sense of my desire to really listen to God who does tell me what on earth I am doing here and who I am. but it's definitely a battle, I think I have been feeling that more than ever also.

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