Villagersonline : blogs : Suki : Tucson Culture
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From: Suki
Date: Thu Oct 12 08:58:51 MST 2006 Subject: Tucson Culture

adriennelynne: I love parties!!! (10/13/06)
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adriennelynne: I love parties!!! (10/13/06)
I got a haircut this week. Quite momentous (for me, at least), since the last official haircut I had was sometime before the dreadlocks; maybe two and a half years ago? Anyway, I was nervous about this and did some praying about where to go. I ended up at a place in Park Mall and met this very nice man from Guatemala. While he was cutting my hair, we talked about how hard it is to break into relationships in Tucson. He used to live in Portland, and he said people there would invite acquaintances to parties all the time, and to holidays if they found out you had no family around. I asked him what he thought it would take to change the culture here. He said, "Maybe 100 years."
I invited him to Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe that will contribute to 100 years of change. At the Village, we've talked about how the kingdom of God will come by way of party. I thought that meant inviting friends. Maybe it means inviting strangers.

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From: adriennelynne
Date: Fri Oct 13 14:29:39 MST 2006 Subject: I love parties!!!

I couldn't agree with you more! How else to build relationships then to bring them into a fun, relaxed setting. It's so great to allow the community to love one another into Christ. We may even invite people that we never have a relationship with, but others around us may have the opportunity to build on it.
I would like to see more parties happening at The Village. More get togethers...barbeques, pasta night, movie night, etc...
In fact, feel free to invite others to movie night! We now have more space for more people! Back to the point... I would love to have a barbeque at our house in the next few weeks!
This whole idea has been drilled into me with my new Mary Kay business. I am being trained to make conversation with people everywhere. I am trained to sell a product that will make women happy. What more to offer than Christ! I need to be applying the tools that I have been learning about in a way that is welcoming to others. I have been learning that once I drop my expectations of others and what the future will bring and love the people around me my relationships are much stronger.
As a community, I see us reaching out a lot more.

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