Villagersonline : blogs : Suki : On Motherhood
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From: Suki
Date: Fri Jul 22 08:00:41 MST 2005 Subject: On Motherhood

Patricia: courage (7/22/05)
Karen: Thanks for sharing ;-) (7/22/05)
Suki: Followup (8/6/05)
Responses (sorted by date)
Suki: Followup (8/6/05)
Karen: Thanks for sharing ;-) (7/22/05)
Patricia: courage (7/22/05)
i've tried to write this blog several times, but i'm afraid that there are so many parts wound together that it won't make any sense or i'll be misunderstood or offend people, especially other mothers and people who wish they were.
that said, i'm going to toss this all out there with a minimal use of the delete key.

In college I vowed to never drive a station wagon. It symbolized everything I disdained about motherhood. Not that I didn't want to be a mother. But that embarrassing loss of identity and style that seemed inherent in parenting. Also not that I had a strong sense of either identity or style at the time. Ironic.
Now I'm a mother. With a station wagon. And as I near the birth of my second baby, I find myself facing anew all my fears about being a mom: what if I become boring and sentimental? what if I have nothing interesting to talk about after this? can I feel emotions about having a baby, including the 'cutesy shmutesy' ones and still be the person that I am? Can I be a woman and a mom at the same time?
Okay, these listed aren't ALL the fears I have. They relate to my identity fears. With Ashton, I was afraid of accidentally causing her death, of not knowing what I was doing, of not getting it right some how. With these identity issues, I'm looking out at all the stereotypes in our society and in the church of my adolescence and wondering if I really have the freedom to be everything that Susan Cepin being a mother would be without getting trapped somewhere. There's the hallmark mom, who's sweet and devoted and 100% and sentimental, and I've seen people who really look like they've got that down. And those things are all good, and I have some of them in some measure. But what about the pain of childbirth and the indifference and annoyance and anguish and fear that happens every day? Where do I put passion and fun, pleasure and beauty?
I guess what I'm saying is that there are aspects of motherhood that I've shyed away from in my fear of getting lumped in to some anemic category of personhood. And this resistance has kept me from embracing legitimate parts of who I am and how I feel. I think freedom must include embracing the possibilities without fear.

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From: Patricia
Date: Fri Jul 22 09:57:37 MST 2005 Subject: courage

...embracing the possibilities in the face of fear, that is courage. Maybe practicality requires courage, too. Is it not possible that people who drive a station wagon or a van really do have the courage to announce to the world that they value the comfort of their growing family more than image and style? Once I parked next to a nice little sport's coupe and Fiona eyed it with interest. After a while she commented that all the cool cars don't have any room for kids. So I'm just going to take her statement to an extreme and announce that to be cool you can't have room for kids. To be cool you have to be young and unhampered, unattached, free to spend all your resources on yourself. If I'm anywhere near the truth with this...

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From: Karen
Date: Fri Jul 22 10:02:14 MST 2005 Subject: Thanks for sharing ;-)

I have many of the same thoughts as you, even as I long to be a mom myself.

Boring AND sentimental? I'm already sentimental, baby, and I don't even have mother-hormones. Can I be cool and uncool at the same time? Interesting (in some ways) and tedious and predictable (in others). Yeah, I think that I *am*. Like I'm free, and still under the will of God. That kind of mystical paradox.

"Don't you know that it's the fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder." - McCartney

Station wagons are the new black ;-)

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From: Suki
Date: Sat Aug 6 05:13:45 MST 2005 Subject: Followup

So once I posted this blog, I found myself much more resolved on the matter. Funny how that happens. I also had a conversation with Eric a few days later where I realized that if I would let go of the idols I hang onto, I'd have a lot of freedom to enjoy what (and who) God is giving me in the moment. My number one idol being what other people think of me. And another that relates being the need to "accomplish" something. Which I would be doing so that other people will think more highly of me. Let go of these, and I can just have a great old time playing with my kids and enjoying the fact that there's space in my station wagon's roomy cargo hold for guitars and strollers alike. In fact, if I let go of these idols, there's no telling what else I might be free to enjoy and walk into in all the different facets of my life.

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