Villagersonline : blogs : Suki : Gracious Goodness
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From: Suki
Date: Wed Nov 9 20:56:22 MST 2005 Subject: Gracious Goodness

clrclady: This is Cool (11/10/05)
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clrclady: This is Cool (11/10/05)
One of the ways I've dealt with uncertainty or emotional pain over the years has been to use my vivid imagination to come up with worst-possible-scenarios or the mental suffering of other people's possible pains. This is actually an anxiety-inducing way to live, but I suppose it seemed less uncomfortable than the other options.
I've been aware of this pattern for a while and have heard God calling me out of it and into my own present reality, whatever it may be. It could hold disappointment, or it could be pleasure and relationship that I would have missed out on.) So last week He led me to Philippians 4:8

Finally brothers,
whatever is true
whatever is noble
whatever is right
whatever is pure
whatever is lovely
whatever is admirable
-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-
think about such things.

I've been meditating on this verse, which has been helpful and a good reminder for the direction I'm moving. When I mentioned this to Emily L, she pointed out that it's really exciting that God's freeing me up this way, because the energy formerly wasted on worry can now go toward creative pursuits and life. Sounds good to me!
This verse has also helped me to see how much around me is worth thinking about. There's a lot of normal, day-to-day stuff that COULD be called mundane but is actually true and noble and right and lovely and admirable. Like having an honest talk with a friend, or spending time with my children, or the garden that's growing in my back yard.

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From: clrclady
Date: Wed Nov 9 17:45:14 MST 2005 Subject: This is Cool

I have really liked this verse for a while, but forgot about it. It is a really awesome thing to think about and meditate on. There really is good to think about through out the day that are true and noble and just glorifying to God. Thanks for sharing Suki.

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