Villagersonline : blogs : SueKay : Thanks
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From: SueKay
Date: Thu Apr 28 19:52:30 MST 2005 Subject: Thanks

KeithB: There ya go... (5/1/05)
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KeithB: There ya go... (5/1/05)
Hi Village People,

I just wanted to let you know that you all are often in my thoughts and I eagerly look forward to being back among you and getting to know the new people too. Here is a story to illustrate one of the ways you have been on my mind...

I attend a home group here in Bellingham, WA that is the closest I get here to a Village-like community. I think they are all pretty new to the level of community that is developing in our weekly Tuesday nights together. A few weeks ago Ethan, one of the guys in the group, was talking about how there are things he KNOWS he should do, but even though he knows it he can't make himself act on that knowledge. Knowing what he should do doesn't give him the strength to go ahead and do it. I can definitely relate to that! I said to him that in cases like that, I have found that it works really well to tell some good friends about it, and they can exert some outside influence, some "irritation" if you will. Like basically nagging you about it on a regular basis - they can provide that motivation that you might not be able to find within yourself. Of course I was thinking about some experiences with people at the Village when I said this.

When I said that a thoughtful hush seemed to fall over the group. Then Ethan said, "That sound's great. But I don't think I have anyone like that who I could ask to do something like that for me." And everyone in the group spoke up after him, saying the same thing.

Hopefully as this group of people grows closer, they will feel able to talk to each other more about their problems and be there to "irritate" each other on to love and good deeds. You could pray for that.

-- So I just wanted to thank you all for being the kind of friends who are willing to ask me the hard questions and keep me accountable. I love you guys!!

- Susan Park

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From: KeithB
Date: Sat Apr 30 19:16:21 MST 2005 Subject: There ya go...

Wow. Sounds like some kind of revolution is goin' on up yonder... This is an exciting thought. Who knew? God uses even this little community to do things we're incapable of making happen. Wow again. Thanks for sharing.


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