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From: Ron
Date: Thu Dec 6 14:54:28 EST 2007 Subject: Life is something Worthy

eric: people have a right? (12/6/07)
adriennelynne: hmm (12/7/07)
Ron: No Subject (12/7/07)
rodhugen: thoughts (12/7/07)
Responses (sorted by date)
rodhugen: thoughts (12/7/07)
Ron: No Subject (12/7/07)
adriennelynne: hmm (12/7/07)
eric: people have a right? (12/6/07)
Omaha Nebraska is a town that will be the center of media attraction for the next few weeks. It will be discussed and debated about in short sound bites on radio, television, the water cooler and kitchen table; until the diatribe becomes boring and fades into the footnotes of history. Omaha is also in the Heartland of America. Defining what is America, and American Life. Both good and bad, Omaha is who we are, and what this great country is about.
Yesterday a multiple murder took place in a mall in this small American town. Was this the only murder that took place in America? Was this the only multiple murder that took place in America yesterday? Yesterday a teenager walked into a store in a mall and chose to kill eight (8) innocent people, he also chose to attempt to kill two additional people. Then he chose to end his own life, on his own terms.
Today and for the next several weeks, countless sound-bites and discussions will center on this murderer’s choice of weapon and mental status. No one wants to hear how disgusting this murder is, and the impact it will have on the lives of those killed and seriously wounded. No one wants to discuss the depravity of humans. On April 16, 2007, a similar multi-murder took place on the campus of Virginia Tech University. On that date, every single person killed, wounded, committed suicide, turned their attention to the multi-murder on the Virginia Tech campus. Massacres have occurred in the past, since the beginning to humans, and they will continue.
People have the right to be outraged when injustice is committed against the innocent. But we also have a responsibility to those affected. It seems to be easy to direct our righteous rage against a gun, or knife, or object; than it is against those who murder. A person chose to end a life…abort the life of a living human being. That is disgustingly outrageous!

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From: eric
Date: Thu Dec 6 17:32:42 EST 2007 Subject: people have a right?

I'm not so sure people have the right to be outraged. Yes, anger is a normal reaction to injustice, but I'm not positive we have the right to be angry. If we approach these situations from the perspective of a priest - then comforting the victims and calling for our government to punish the evil that was done while reminding they world that God's grace even applies to murders - seems like a more human way of dealing with a broken world.

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From: adriennelynne
Date: Thu Dec 6 19:52:07 EST 2007 Subject: hmm

I like the way you're headed Eric, but then what do you say?
I am going to speak to the youth on Sunday night again. And this time I am talking about a Sovereign loving God and broken ugly world...and how you can explain that to your friends. So many of the youth get bombarded with questions from peers as to how they can believe in a God who lets bad things happen. I think my title will be something like, What do you say when you don't have the answers? Or something like that.
I have been formulating SOOOO many thoughts...but I don't have a clue what I am going to say. So will you elaborate on your thought to maybe help me??????????

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From: Ron
Date: Thu Dec 6 20:27:51 EST 2007 Subject:

We have a right to the emotion and feeling that murder is is wrong, and that an outragous injustice has been perpetrated on someone that was an innocent bystander was killed or wounded. This is a normal and healthy emotion. I wrote this as a "letter to the editor" of the "Star." It was written to the secular reader and to the "media" to spur a deeper and more benificial outcome and public debate. I feel deeply sad to the family and friends of those affected by the murdious massacure that took place yesterday. I feel that a tragedy took place yesterday, and takes place everyday, without any real dialogue going on in society.
Everyone talks about gun control, and mental illness, but the sound-bites, do nothing but address superficial side issues. I want to start a dialoge that hits at the heart of the issue. Sin. Our sin nature. That murder is wrong, because God gave these people life, and had a purpose for these people.
In a secular setting I can not reach people without changing the nature and scope of the topic. The massacure did not occure because of a gun, or knife, or other object, nor did it take place simply becasue of mental illness. It took place because of sin. It took place because someone felt superior, or wanted to feel superior. It took place becase we all have that depraved mind. Only because of God's grace could you or I (everyone) say that we could not do this disgusting thing.

I feel that society needs to change the topic, to how outragous any and all murder is. Gun control does not stop murder. "Fixing the Mental Illness will not stop murder. To address the secular audience, changing the topic into the heart of the problem is a way of bringing in God.

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From: rodhugen
Date: Thu Dec 6 21:17:24 EST 2007 Subject: thoughts

Of course, the problem is that people really believe that God is the problem or guns are the problem or mental illness is the problem or... They deceive themselves intentionally. If sin is the problem then I have to look deep into myself. I often get into conversations with folks who believe that the world is getting better and I always marvel at their ability to deceive themselves. At my ability to deceive myself. I don't honestly believe that I could grab my gun and head off to Park Mall and start randomly killing people. But until I can come to grips with my own depravity, I will have difficulty with the depraved acts of others. I must realize that I am both capable and culpable. Capable of being that angry. Culpable in that I have been that angry. I once choked a kid into unconsciousness. I would have killed him if my father had not pulled me back. My rage terrified me and I fought against it. I still do. I never want to be that angry again.

Rage, at its root, is always against God. I was angry because the kid wouldn't stop making fun of my Dad, so I decided to shut him up. In that moment I chose to be God. Instead of allowing God to defend me, I chose to take his role. It almost cost the kid his life and me, mine. It is far easier to blame circumstances or objects for my inability to be God, than it is for me to deal with my rage. I think that is what you are up against when you try to change the conversation. But please keep trying.

I think Eric is right when he tells us to put on our priestly garb and leave the throne and kingly attire to God. We are at our best when we comfort the broken hearted and call to those who rule over us, for justice for the oppressed.

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